Women’s Studies in India must be wiped out! Here’s why.

Disclaimer: Dear Feminists, all the best. Wear a helmet.

And the rest of you, I hope you enjoy the read.

Note: All the sources are mentioned at the bottom of the article and some of them in the hyperlinks. If you notice any references are missing for the stats/facts, feel free to quote in the comments and I shall update accordingly.

Let me sing a kutti story, pay attention, listen to me. If you want, take it or else venam tension, leave it baby” – John Durairaj, Prof. V.C Selvam’s ex-student.

I will begin this with a short tale.

Sukasaptati, A Kutti Story:

In Sukasaptati, a merchant went on a business trip. He left his wife Prabhavati alone at home. At the urging of her women friends, Prabhavati prepared to have an adulterous affair. A male parrot that her husband had received as a gift warned Prabhavati:

This is fine and merits doing.
But it is not easy for women of good families.
Moreover, it is considered disreputable.
Go if you have the wits to handle any problems which may arise.
Otherwise, you will be in for trouble.

The parrot then quoted a verse:

The wicked merely watch the fun
when problems arise.
Like the starving lady did
as another pulled the merchant’s hair.

Confused, intrigued and filled with curiosity, Prabhavati then remained at home to listen to the story about Rambhika, the wife of a village headman. She sought adulterous affairs, but no other men would have sex with her because they feared her husband. One day, she saw a handsome young Brahmin who was visiting the village. She lovingly looked at the young Brahmin and told him to come home with her, salute her husband, and affirm everything that she says. She presented to her husband the young Brahmin and described him as her long-lost cousin. The husband instructed his wife to care of the “cousin”. He then left them alone at night. Rambhika sought sex with the young Brahmin. He refused to violate his moral code. He explained that he had accepted her as his cousin, and cousins shouldn’t have sex together so as not to tarnish the family reputation. Rambhika urged him with poetry.

As if that wasn’t enough, Rambhika then declared that if a woman solicits a man for sex and he refuses her, he will be consigned to hell. After repeated attempts, one fine day, Rambhika cried out a false accusation of rape. Her husband and his relatives came running to violently attack the accused man.

The Brahmin recognized his dire predicament, bowed down and fell at Rambhika’s feet accepting his fate and her demands. Rambhika cleverly redirected her alarm and said the brahmin has cholera. The foolish husband believed her and went out again mistaking the spilled rice and milk as her genuine cry for help. Rambhika then had sex with the young Brahmin. They continued their affair throughout the month that he remained at her home on the pretext of his convalescence.

The parrot told such stories for seventy nights and kept Prabhavati at home while her merchant husband was away. When the husband came back and asked the parrot for an explanation, Prabhavati herself confessed that she had thoughts of taking a lover and almost killed the parrot who tried to stop her.

But eventually she held back -“Thus I sinned only in thought, but never by deed. Now my life and death are in your hands“, she cried to her husband. The Parrot declared that situation arose naturally from a wife being left alone. The parrot urged the husband to forgive his wife. The husband did. They all lived happily ever after.

Mind you, this is an excerpt from 12th Century stories from ancient Indian texts that depicted Women’s hypergamy. A concept that many believe to be entirely new & has nothing to do with “Sanskari” women. Everything that a modern Indian Woman does is believed to be inspired from the West. A deeper look into the past will say otherwise – that these tales were as common in India as they were everywhere else in the world.

Fast forward to 21st century, in June 2023, I attended an online seminar by a small private org that specializes in counselling the corporates how to interact with the “Trans” folk. Basically, a session explaining that we need to be “tolerant” (especially) of Trans folks and respect the “Pronouns”. After references such as – Garbopinishads, Rig Veda, 1970s MLM movement – Stonewall riot, Jamburi, Six Honest Servants, Peacock in the Land of Penguins – the person moved on to present slides explaining how corporate folks should learn to incorporate, wait for it!!! – Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity – at workplace. I was laughing my ass out behind that mute button throughout the seminar every time the bombs – Paradigm shift, LGBTQ, Pygmalion effect, Equality – dropped. The person even preaches a slogan – “I am what I am, so take me as what I am”. While I understand the sentiments and the science of LGB – this TQ is where I resisted the temptation to ask the presenter if they could present the topic from scientific POV if it’s all so easy that one could switch genders based on their “internal sense of feeling”. Whatever this counselling asks of the employees is not based on scientific literature, but FEELINGS alone. In the interest of sanity and refusal to debate clowns, I held back and collected the necessary info.

While the seminar insisted on – onboarding everyone, eliminating outsiderness and showing care – towards rainbow people in the workplace, it does the exact opposite – doesn’t onboard, pushes out and indirectly demonstrates intolerance – towards non-rainbow players that attempt to challenge their position. As a job holder, you are indirectly being made aware that outraging the modesty and feelings of these folks will get you fired. While it states that the rest of us must grow and learn to accept Rainbow people, the presenter and as well as several of the audience themselves demonstrated zero room for growth and learning.

Now you may wonder – what does this have to do with taking down Women’s studies. We’ll get there.

Let me give you another cultural example from Konkana Sen Sharma who publicly denounced the concept of gender and is often hailed as a true feminist heroine of age for her depiction of modern women and [soft] Men (meaning- Feminized Men) breaking the stereotypes, gender roles and expectations that the ‘Patriarchy’ expects people to carry.

You may think I’m exaggerating and by now you may have contemplated, “Who hurt him?”. I understand why one may think that – criticizing Feminist-Think automatically attracts attention and accusations of hating Women while subtly enquiring the status of my sexual activity because somewhere in their rotten brains they equate sexual activity with logical analysis of the argument at hand. But nowhere in the history of humans has people belonging to one ideology have quite openly, encouragingly & successfully demonstrated their hatred for half the population on the planet than the Feminists did towards Men. Misandry is ever present on feminism’s sleeves. Challenge the gynocentric view of the world and you’ll quickly see how jaundiced Feminism’s views are.

Let me provide an analysis:

In order to point out to the readers what Women’s Studies lack, we’ll take a peek into the syllabus, the authors and what is being taught. And then make observations.

link 1 , link 2 , link 3, link 4, link 5 , link 6 – samples.

Whose works are taught?

Vina Mazumdar, Sharmila Rege, Simone de Beauvoir, Flavia Agnes, Judith Butler, Gayle Rubin, Kate Millet, Mary E john, Neera Desai, Linda Nicholson, Judith Lorber, Maithreyi Krishnaraj, Sylvia Walby, T N Srivastava s Women and the Law etc.,

Take it from women s studies student herself – Sanjukta Basu – who proudly says she’s a radical feminist adhering to second wave feminism.

Her PhD question papers (click here )


Her publishing:

She would even bring up Theorizing Patriarchy (Sylvia Walby), The Creation of Patriarchy (Gerda Lerner) while trying to “educate” people. She would also quote to her audiences Kimberlé Crenshaw’s books to highlight Intersectionality wrt women’s movement in India.

What do they teach & What exactly is the goal of Feminism you may wonder.

This is what Indian institutions state in general:

Women’s studies – an academic discipline taught as courses in Universities and Colleges to learn about the system of privilege and oppression, the relation between power and gender and the socio-economic class. It teaches students about concepts which are related to feminist theory, standpoint theory, multiculturalism, transnational feminism, social justice and materialism.

Today, the dominant feminism, as Paula Wright – Darwinian Scholar and Researcher- points out, is intersectional feminism (aka intersectionality) a collection of feminisms which emerged from radical feminism and which includes, inter alia, critical race theory, black socialist feminism, gender feminism, postmodern feminism, critical theory, ecofeminism and postcolonial feminism – all things which can be reliably described under the description “woke” whose goal is to dismantle the patriarchy+ : Imperialist White Supremacist Cis Hetero Sexist Capitalist Patriarchy.

It is the job of Black, BAME and anti-colonial feminists to dismantle the “imperialist white supremacist” part; trans and gender feminists muster to dismantle “cis”; radical feminists dismantle “hetero” which of course includes the family; socialist/Marxist feminists tackle “capitalism” and they all go hell for leather on “sexism” and “patriarchy”. Crucially, unlike previous feminisms, intersectionality commands unprecedented global institutional power and influence”, she writes.

Indian Universities do not highlight these specific aspects of the actual Feminist goals. And once you go through the works and get familiar with their verbatim & vox populi, you will soon see a pattern and realize what is being taught:

1) Patriarchy is the villain
2) Women couldn’t vote, get educated, couldn’t own properties
3) Men oppressed women. Women are being seen as objects.
4) Wives are being treated as slaves. Marriage is equivalent to concentration camp.
5) Women are subjected to rape and domestic violence and they don’t have any form
of legal recourse
6) Women fought a brave grassroots war against patriarchy and won the rights – voting, jobs, abortion, control of their own bodies
7) The concept of Gender is ever-evolving. Gender roles are patriarchal. Man/Woman is interchangeable. Sex is a spectrum.
8) Violence is gendered and structured and highly directed towards Women alone.

You get the idea, right? Women have been Victims of Patriarchy at all levels and their aim is to smash the patriarchy and break the glass ceiling.

Good so far?

Ok. Now let’s see what they don’t mention.

Many women had access to Education, Career and opportunities and did have Property rights. They also could make respectable careers for themselves as authors, educators, scholars, and businesswomen.

Business: Read here , Authors: Read here , Educators: Read here , Scholars: Read here

American women could in fact attain higher education in the early 19th Century & Married Woman’s Property Act addressed the issues long before Feminism was even a thing.

Career & opportunities:
In 1885, at age 24, Canadian Journalist Sara Jeannette Duncan declared her era as “Golden age for Girls, full of new interests and opportunities”. She went on to work for the Washington Post and published celebrated Novels. She didn’t realize she was oppressed and marginalized.

Feminists overstate the case for Female limitation. The universities had opened to Women long before 1915. Many of the Suffragettes themselves were university graduates. Oberlin College in the US opened to Women in 1836; in Britain, Girton College, Cambridge, opened in 1869.

Marriage and Property:
Married women back in the day became one person legally with husbands upon Marriage. With Husband alone responsible for Wife’s debts & needs, her financial freedom was restricted. But the woman’s ability to own property and control her finances were remedied by successive acts in 19th Century.

Wait, what??? But Feminists say Women were oppressed everywhere in the world. Don’t they? If the original Women’s Rights Movement was so “Noble”, why would Universities and Women’s Studies professors hide this information from the students? Gee, I wonder why.

There’s more!! See below –

1) Sex differences and gender roles based on evolutionary sciences
2) Occult leanings, Pedophilia, Man hatred among the Feminists(and Women in general)
3) How Rape of Women has been considered serious across history
4) Women inciting Violence against Men
5) How Women’s distress and weeping powerfully motivates men to kill other men
6) Majority of Men lacking Voting , reproductive rights (even now)
7) False Accusations by Women
8) Paternity deception across ages and cultures
9) Compulsory Military Conscription only for Men
and how Women are accepted into Military even if they don’t meet the standards.
10) Women raping Men.
11) Male Genital Mutilation (more on this in later sections)
12) Women getting softer punishments for infanticide because of Women-sympathy card.
13) Women who murder their husbands have always gotten a lesser charge. Exonerated if she (falsely) claimed that her husband was abusive.
14) Family court bias, child support to the Wife even if the kids don’t belong to the husband
15) Indian Feminists who directly contributed to objecting Gender neutral laws while advocating for Marital Rape law that holds only a Man accountable at mere word of the Wife alone.
16) Feminists’ support for Women who kill their Children.
17) Domestic Violence by Women and how Men are turned away from DV Abuse shelters.
18) How India doesn’t recognize Men as victims of Domestic Violence
19) How Feminists ousted Erin Pizzey, the founder of the first ever Domestic Abuse shelter just because she made the observation that women can be violent too and majority of the DV was bi–directional.

Just to name a few. You can check for yourselves.

Kate Millet harassed Women ( Read here )
Simone and her partner had Pedo backgrounds: Read here

The story of Sartre, Beauvoir: Read here . Also – Read

If you still think I’m lying or that I’m wrong, you should be able to tell this – On what merit does these women’s studies programs continue to receive crores of funding when the syllabus remains outdated & unchecked for almost 5 decades? I will tell you how they did it – by weaponizing the victimhood status – a self-perpetuating status they are incapable of detaching themselves from.

Reasons why Women’s Studies must be shut down:

A 2020 study ( read here ) by 4 Israeli researchers (consisting of both Men and Women 😛 ) concluded that the tendency to victimhood is an identifiable personality type that may have no correlation with actual victimhood and that transforms the way an individual relates to others and their society. Their deep self-deception offers disturbing evidence of feminism’s corruption of academia, law.

Moreover, the researchers have found that people with the tendency to interpersonal victimhood believe themselves fully justified in taking revenge on others and are unwilling to relinquish belief in their own self-proclaimed innocence.

And thus we arrive at the central topic of this post. The reasons:

1) Gender/Women’s Studies programs teach students to emphasize the gender only during following cases:

Female victims, Male perpetrators, Female achievements, and Male failings

and forces the view that any contribution by Male counterparts is a Patriarchal conspiracy to keep women in slavery roles. There is nothing in their documents to suggest that men ever acted justly or sacrificially to protect or to provide for women with a sense of responsibility & duty. The books launch an unmitigated smear campaign from first to last. And whenever someone brings up Male victims, they shut it down with the phrase – “See? Patriarchy hurts Men too” which they state is further proof of Evil Patriarchy.

2) It presents unscientific literature as something that needs world’s attention and academic respect. Provides false notions that Male and Female are social constructs alone.

From its earliest incarnations, gender studies has promoted preposterous contentions about Woman as Other (Simone De Beauvoir), the suburban family as a “comfortable concentration camp” (Betty Friedan), the social construction of gender (Kate Millett), women as Playboy Bunnies (Gloria Steinem), the female Eunuch (Germaine Greer), honorable man-hating (Robin Morgan), rape culture (Susan Brownmiller) gynocide (Mary Daly), compulsory heterosexuality (Adrienne Rich), white privilege (Peggy McIntosh), intersectionality (Kimberlé Crenshaw), family abolition (Sophie Lewis), gender as performance (Judith Butler) and the difficulty of distinguishing rape from normal sex (Catharine MacKinnon)

3) It has no intention to encourage critical thought, let alone disagreement. It exists solely to mandate acceptance and conformity, creating paper-cut-out activists who mouth repetitive mantras they can’t begin to defend if questioned. Rather than teaching students to think and write clearly, gender studies pass off as something holy and profound that doesn’t require correction. You can notice that sentiment in Marcie Bianco’s definition: Gender studies is simply the rigorous examination of how arguably the human dynamic and social and political roles of gender have acquired meaning and shaped humanity and our institutions for centuries across cultures

4) It is incapable of addressing its own Hypocrisies. Take the Freedom Trash Can movement for example. It was part of the Miss America Protest 1968 – where they burned the bras – to signify breaking the stereotypes of Women generally associated with False eye lashes, long hair, high heels, curlers, make-up, hairspray, bras. This is where its hypocrisy lies.

On one hand it remains angry about the “enforced Femininity”. But on the other hand, Feminism loudly and unequivocally supports the Trans movement where Men typically present themselves with the very stereotypes that Feminism previously fought and burned.

E.g., Dylan Mulvaney who identifies as a Woman and presents himself (with those exact stereotypes that Women in 1960’s fought against) long hair, manicured nails, make-up, women clothing and goes as far as buying tampons. #BulgeIsBeautiful

On one hand, Indian Feminists demand Gender Neutral laws in case of Same Sex Marriages because it “empowers” women but at the same time demand Gender Specific laws in case of Marital Rape because they say only Women can be victims of Domestic Violence. Keep in mind that Indian Feminists/Women’s rights activists are single handedly responsible for not letting the law protect adult male victims of violence at the hands of women.

Also look up who Karuna Nundy is and you’ll understand the shared sentiment.

On one hand, women like Deepika Padukone (and her fans) are so keen on advocating for “My Body My Choice” but remain silent in cases where Male Genital Mutilation of baby boys & elective Abortion are widely practiced. Yes. In the west, 98% of the Abortions are elective. Meaning – Women are making bad reproductive choices by participating in unsafe sex voluntarily. Abortion and other forms of contraception exist majorly to bail women out of their poor decision making so they can continue sleeping around – meaning, they want Sex minus the consequences – and has very little to do with “concern for women’s safety” as Feminists like to have us believe. There’s no verifiable data available in India as everything is concealed and seems to point out that women who opt for abortion originally conceived only out of pressure from family and has nothing to do with poor sex habits. [Keep in mind Men’s and Women’s promiscuity play out differently.]

#BelieveAllWomen , correct? 😉

Note: In Pregnancy tales, the unborn child is addressed as Baby when a mother wants to continue the pregnancy, but the language immediately switches to “clump of cells” when she doesn’t want to keep it – whether it’s week 1 or a day before the delivery date. If the fetus has no separate identity, why is it called a double homicide when a pregnant lady is killed (irrespective of whether the lady wants to keep it or not)? Look up how the law holds the person responsible for a pregnant lady’s death and how that person is also held for culpable homicide of the unborn child. Where should the pregnant lady’s Right to Abortion end and the unborn child’s Right to Live begin, if courts continue to entertain cases where a woman applies for permission to abort at 26-week pregnancy? What’s even the point of setting legal limit?

5) Feminist Academia withhold crucial information from the ordinary public, use unsubstantiated and exaggerated claims/statistics to create and sustain fear and hatred of Men. This is how they keep the “Rape culture is well and alive” narrative active and continue to mislead the masses because – when you control the past, you control the future.

Everytime they say “India is Rape capital of the world. Not a safe place for Women”, ask why the Rape, Stalking, Modesty & Domestic Violence laws don’t recognize Female to Male abuse, why there are no Reproductive rights for Men, why false rape cases are on rise more than ever and why women walk scot-free even after their allegations are found to be false and face no punishment. A peek into Ernest Belfort Bax’s Fraud of Feminism, The Legal Subjection of Men reveal that false allegations are not modern but a very common age-old tradition which eventually left an indelible mark on Indian Judiciary and the laws it retained from its Ex-Daddy.

Clearly someone is lying.

6) Given how much info is intentionally hidden, are we to believe that Feminism is full of good intentions from the start and deviated along the way? Because these same students & those half-truths they were taught, now permeated the Media, Family Law system and Positions of Power that influence policies that undoubtedly favor Women at the expense of Men.

Even as victims, they seem to compete vigorously to retain the image for they are afraid that the feminist fog would disappear, people will question the authenticity of their claims and the universities funding would quickly dry up.

7) Women’s studies program is the only place where it says it brings awareness about child abuse (only Male as perpetrator) while also including literature from women who‘re involved with pedophilic backgrounds. Otherwise, why would it entertain people like Simone de Beauvoir, Germaine Greer or Elizabeth Cady Stanton who have a history of sexually abusing underage students, going so far as writing a book about romanticizing sex with minor boys (The Beautiful Boy) and supporting infanticide respectively?

8) The feminist perspective is faulty, delusional, irrational & extremely narcissistic. The universities became so lost in congratulating themselves that they’ve become intellectually dishonest to admit that their works are nothing but a scattershot approach and hence resulted in a view of the world that is inversely related to reality.

9) It’s a reactionary dogma which teaches contempt and is allergic to debate. It dwells obsessively on group grievance & relies heavily on melodramatic cries of sexism instead of fair-minded analysis of merits of an argument and always front-footed in launching ambitious personal attacks on those who disagree.

10) Its activism is selective otherwise why would it remain Silent over concept of gender in cultures such as Islam: Homophobia, Wife beating, Male genital mutilation, No mention of oppression of Women in Islamic world, forced conversions, death penalty of apostates, phobic emphasis on sexual purity , destruction of churches, vicious dehumanization of Jews as direct descendants of apes and pigs.

11) The gender studies programs at universities are not teaching about Feminism, they are teaching Feminism. So that means every professor enters the course with a set of preconceived notions – that Men were always the oppressors and manipulates the students to focus only on the scenarios mentioned in point 1.

If you still find it difficult– I ll let Sanjukta s work speak for itself:

She says her work is focused on gender trolling
“Its not about women alone but Men too. Men shouldn’t be excluded.”
But she proceeds to exclude men in the research.

 Talks about Men maintaining power, influence and privilege over Women via Rape but doesn’t talk about Women who have Rape fantasies, a widely recognized phenomenon.

 Talks about Power dynamics – rape on the pretext of marriage/ job offer.
but never the Lack of due process in cases of sexual harassment and the punishment for false accusers or why POSH doesn’t address Female to Male abuse.

 She says Feminism is not about hating Men.
And that Women are disadvantaged at many levels.
Women did not have any privilege whatsoever:

Take a look at how Systematic discrimination against Men remains – Only women are protected. No protection for Men under same scenarios when the perpetrator is Female.

Women centric laws:
Section 498A. Husband or relative of the husband of a woman subjecting her to cruelty.
Section 509. Word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman.
Section 377. Unnatural offences – unnatural sex committed towards a Woman
Section 354. Assault of criminal force on a woman with intent to outrage her modesty.
Domestic Violence Act, 2005- recognizes physical, verbal, financial or sexual abuse
Section 125. Order for maintenance of wives, children & parents.
Section 375. Rape. A man is said to commit “rape”…
Section 376. Punishment for rape.
General sections:
Section 323. Punishment for voluntarily causing hurt.
Section 340. Wrongful confinement. (If the husband is restricting)
Section 506. Punishment for criminal intimidation

 She, like her sisterhood uber allies, throws the word Patriarchy a lot.

But the term patriarchy itself is a lazy slogan: Read here

Did you know theory of patriarchal control was debunked in 2007 itself ?

Shulamith Firestone, a radical-libertarian feminist and an important figure in the 2nd wave (which Sanjukta claims her allegiance to) , clearly defines patriarchy as a system of oppression of women.

So whenever someone keeps blaming Patriarchy – ask why would patriarchy design the laws in such a way that benefits women and punishes men.

Why the discrimination against Men and extra privileges for Women?

If you carefully observe, everything that is happening in the world is exact opposite to the Feminists exaggerated claims such as – Rape culture, Gender Pay Gap, No laws to protect women, only Men hurt Women, Even when Men die Women are the most effected etc., Let’s explore why the world believes Women more.

The preferential treatment of Women across Human history:

You might have heard about the infamous expression: Women and Children first.
Where do you think it has originated from and why?

On one hand, it can be understood from the perspective of Moral Chivalry.
(Read here)

Another way is by understanding Sexual Behavior & Sexual Aggression in Humans.

Women’s sexual receptivity and Men’s sexual proceptivity
Women are sexually passive beings, Men are assertive
[Note: Predatory is the far end of the spectrum of assertiveness]
Women evolved to be sexually receptive because it led to higher chances of survival and high success rates of desirability in the sexual market while reducing the margin for rejection. In Male -Female relationships, Male aggression stands out.
To understand female aggression, you need to study lesbian relationships,
and females tend to be aggressive more or less to the same extent.
Women’s emotional cruelty also serves as one of the prime identifiers.

If a woman tends to grab her genitals in public, we tend to perceive that she’s saying “Come to me, i m waiting for you” – signaling AVAILABILITY.
If a man does the same thing we perceive that behavior as “I’m coming to get you” an extreme of sexually proceptive behavior – signaling INTENT.
If a woman strips naked it’s perceived as innocence, or we feel pity for her. if a man strips, it’s considered sexually aggressive.
Meaning – the actions that originate from women are generally sexually passive, non- threatening, not harmful enough.

Man does the same, it is perceived as active, threatening, strong intent to harm and that which would bring ill-will.

Next is via understanding Agent/Object dichotomy:

Society s general perception:
Female violence and hostility are either non-existent, harmless or excusable
So it pushes the notion that women are objects which are acted upon whereas Men are agents that act upon others.

In order to maintain this “women are always victims”(objects that are always acted upon) image, what feminists do is manufacture justification on behalf of women’s actions as a reaction to hypothetical action originating from the Man.

“I bet he was cheating on her. So, she hitting him is acceptable.”

They actively force the situation to comply within their instinctive gendered narrative.

The Patriarchal oppression & Male privilege are the most commonly referenced and targeted hypothetical actions.What you need to understand is Patriarchy defn is so wrong
and non-existent if we go by definition –
Power structure that is designed to benefit men at the expense of women
because , lo and behold, Men lack the mechanism that bolsters automatic own group preference. There’s little to no evidence that Men aid other Men just on the basis of gender alone unless motivated by common interests such as political inclination, chasing the same goal (not a woman) etc., Only women show in-group bias across all cultures. Read here

Another important way to understand is by exploring Neoteny.

Neoteny is the retention of the juvenile features in an adult animal
In our evolutionary path, we tend to take women (& children) seriously
when they express themselves as the objects clubbed with child-like helplessness
When they’re hurt, upset or in danger, We feel the immediate impulse to remove that hurt.

On the other end, we expect men to deal with such hurt, upset or danger in a much more adult manner because we perceive them as Agents. We don’t feel the impulse to help them out.

Neoteny in women has an evolutionary success rate whereas Neoteny in adult Men had little to no evolutionary importance. Neotenous women have had higher chances of survival compared to the non-neotenous ones.

Neoteny in women is relevant because

1) men across cultures found neotenous female faces sexually more attractive,
2) neotenous faces have been perceived more “sociable” (friendly and nice), and
3) people in general found non-neotenous faces intimidating.

Why this explanation?
Because it makes a hell of a lot more sense than gender feminist theory. Especially in the context of today’s feminist advocacy (highlighting weakness and victimhood).
simply put – women are perceived inherently valuable.
Men – inherently disposable.

In conclusion: What Feminists are doing is they are advertising that they’re strong and equal to Men. Their full potential is being oppressed due to patriarchy.
While also simultaneously projecting themselves as the victims of patriarchy who need to be rescued – asking for extra privileges as a result.

All this collective perception has aided Feminist s one-sided narrative:
i) their demands for suffrage
ii) Abortion rights
iii) Extra protection under the law
iv) Normalizing demonization of men & masculinity
v) Successful in selling the idea – Men are born defective, Feminine intervention is the cure

They were able to pull this off by alleging that Women’s behavior and bodies were strictly and inhumanely monitored by Patriarchal constructs and deny all the possibilities that even Women could be dangerous to self and the society and needed Men’s intervention.

So, the question arises, to what extent does a female have to display the sexual aggression so that it would be viewed just as harmful as men’s?

Now you may feel that this explanation is not enough.

In that case, you need to consider the direct link between a female’s physical safety/well-being and her mate’s reproductive success.

Consider the Praying Mantis example:

In captivity, females have been observed to kill and eat males during the act of mating, but the reverse has never been observed. While such inconsiderate behavior on the part of female mantises may be much rarer in the wild, females have evolved an instinct to kill and eat males during mating if necessary i.e., if they are in danger of starvation. Males have not only NOT EVOLVED a tendency to do the same to females, they’ve also not even evolved any mechanism towards self-defense when a female signals to make a meal off of them. In fact, Males have evolved some mechanism to subvert their normal survival instincts specifically during mating IN FAVOR of prioritizing the nutritional requirements of their female mate.

Why, you may ask again-

If a female is extremely hungry and a male is already inseminating her, it’s actually in his best genetic interest to sacrifice himself to allow her to have him for lunch as long as his sperms are fertilizing her eggs. In this way he’s a winner. The propagation of his genes is only assisted by him letting the female have her wicked cannibalistic way with him. Every calorie of his body she consumes is a calorie devoted to the increased viability of his offspring. Praying Mantises natural selection would pass down the females’ willingness to cannibalize and the males’ willingness to be cannibalized during mating simply because those behaviors led to greater reproductive success for both males and females.

Humans may not be praying mantises, but a woman’s physical safety and well-being are integral to her mate’s reproductive success because she is the one who gestates the fetus while a man’s physical safety and well-being are simply not as directly important. Keep the agent/object dichotomy also in mind: because if you defeat her, you’re an asshole. If she defeats you, you’re a loser.

We can also draw an observation about Why Men fail to resist Rape by Women:

Given the strength differential between men and women and how violent men are known to be, it is conceivable that when faced with serious physical resistance, the Male abandons the attempt to fight back not to avoid injury to himself but to prevent the level of catastrophic injury that might be required to subdue his rapist. Male victims in relationships express a reluctance to resist/fight out of concern over serious injury to the woman raping them.

Keeping this knowledge in mind, we can also draw observation on how adult human Males exhibit – “I’m a better Man than him”

Male-Male aggression, fighting, etc during uncivilized times and the modern version: White Knighting, bad mouthing, being the go-to guy, that Women approve of – are subtle but obvious ways of dominance. These Men attempt at achieving “good guy” status by undermining other man s status relative to their own in the form of above-mentioned traits. And calling another Man a rapist ensures his highest achievement as a “better” or “Safe” guy. Looking at the other side of it, the Man who gets blamed as the Perpetrator will lose status and start losing every opportunity to pass on his genes.

So, whenever a Woman faces a Man that threatens her falsely built-up reality, she attempts at labeling that unwilling-to-affiliate Man as someone who causes her harm (casually terming any man as a Potential Rapist) and in doing so asks for help (which she gains easily) from other Men and have that particular Man eliminated from the race (of reproduction).

So, my point being –

Women’s Studies do not teach Sex differences from such perspective. Not even as a tiniest possibility or why hierarchies exist in the society under the evolutionary circumstances. Everything is about Evil Male domination towards innocent Women and children. This is how Feminists strategically plant these blind spots using Gender Studies & Media with unverifiable/faulty claims and divert the attention away from Female faults. This makes the public underestimate Female aggression and the lengths to which Women go to express that.

For example – if you take Mothers killing Children into account (including Abortion), the statistics will outnumber the people died in all the wars combined. And as such – the most dangerous place for a child is in a mother’s womb.

Now I will leave it up to you to decide which is true: the domination theory that is based on feelings & unfalsifiable data OR the dominance hierarchies, sexual behavior & aggression rooted in verifiable scientific principles. Richard Feynman famously said — It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with experiment, it’s wrong. Now, you can visit the point 5 I mentioned and see if you notice how Feminists exaggerate the claims and why general public fail to verify them.

What should be the goal of women s studies and final thoughts:

Now any triggered Male or Female might say – “You are a Man advocating for Men s rights. Why should your arguments AGAINST Gender studies outweigh Feminists’ advocacy FOR Gender studies?”

 Education’s most important goal should be to encourage critical thinking and not to take claims at face value. Activism of any form or under any circumstance will remain greatest enemy in a classroom.

 As far as women’s studies programs are concerned, Feminism ensures to gatekeep those false-origin stories. It is scared to have its theories challenged and hence has remained reactionary.

 People need to understand that Women’s studies is an illegitimate offspring of general public’s ignorance and the gynocentric-inclined individuals. If women’s studies could be built based on lies, the only way to dismantle them is by truth. Do not mistake its self-righteousness for scholarly passion

 When the advocacy is rooted in inflammatory accusations and howls of outrage about Patriarchy, Infantile need for centrality, an appetite for victimhood, its inability to self-correct when presented with contrary evidence, proposes policies filtered through gynocentric lens, axis of reality centered around untestable claims, breasts and vagina used as pamphlets for their activism – we must outrightly protest its unending determination to find new ways to cry inequality with its rapidly expanding list of categories of oppression added to the core narrative of victimization.

-> Having understood its tricks, why should we hold such Programs and people who teach them with mountain regard who continues to treat MENS GRIEVANCES as ACCEPTABLE LOSSES , denies the oppression faced by Men whose criminalization begins even before they are born?

 Its high time we reject the idea that Women’s studies are special. We should reject the idea that Women are morally superior to Men. IMO, Women do not hold the moral ground. They do what they want in the moment. Once they sober up and can find room for regret, they act like they had morals to begin with. Then Victimhood follows.

 Feminism is rooted in deep resentment for sexual dimorphism in humans. Healthy biological reality is what they dislike the most. Of course, they would advocate for child slaughter. They do this and then further express their resentment over being the ones with wombs with slogans like “If men got pregnant, abortion would be sacrament” Every facet of feminism and every poor choice of a woman ranging from getting upset to angry to killing a baby or adult has its roots, tolerated and nurtured, only in a society filled with women eager to see themselves as victims and victims alone.

The only time I take #BelieveAllWomen seriously is when they say, “I brought you into this world. I can very well take you out of it”. Abortion is the peak expression of conveying this very sentiment that every woman holds. Feminism has made it mainstream.

 Even though I’m aware that the programs are not going anywhere, I for one would be eagerly waiting for its demise at the hands of truth because Feminism indeed is the book that we can judge by its cover and we will never be wrong about its intentions because WOMENS STUDIES IS WHERE FEMINISTS FOUND ACADEMIC SHELTER TO JUSTIFY MALE HATRED.

 Modern woman is a feminism incarnate – Indifferent to suffering of others other than sisterhood, insensitive to the joys of biological reality, romanticizes the rubble of banality and one who views acknowledging of Men’s issues as attention being drawn away. Feminism as such is a virulent madness. I genuinely believe it cannot corrupt the really sane people who still know how to enjoy life and reality as is while also sharing the pain of common man not due to gender preference but out of human decency, care for others and responsibility which Feminism ultimately lacks.

 If you are a Woman who’s reading this and still interested in pursuing the program, I have one suggestion for you – Divorce yourself from the dogmatic approaches they teach and marry yourself to fair analysis with openness to adapt, change and evolve when presented with contrary evidence. Now I’m not denying the good work nor the smart people that genuinely care about the issues that minorities face, but what I am getting at is that in trying to address women’s issues they overcompensated Women in all areas of life leaving behind Men and Boys. So, focus on Treating the Problem, not the Gender. Because Crime has no gender. As seen in Sanjukta s case – Never confuse education with intelligence. You can have a PhD and still be an Idiot.

 if you are a Man reading this, I say this to you.
Why have you not spoken up until now? You take insurance for your assets, cars, purchases, but have you ever thought of insuring your marriage, are you aware of matrimonial laws? Did you know 99% of the Married Men in India learn about the laws for the first time after entering a divorce lawyer’s office? Do you know you can be arrested based on a woman’s statement alone and serve 10 years of jail time even if you have not committed any crime? You can sit comfortably in your place and think in your foolishness that everything is fine, “My girlfriend/Wife will never do this to me”. But the laws and policies – that armed her to do so anytime at her will- convey a different picture.

Do not be afraid of losing your job, or your wife/ girlfriend or your citizenship or your status in the society when your voice can empower the silent victims that the entire country and the judiciary deliberately ignore. Well, I’m not going to stop pursuing! I want you to get mad!! Mad as hell for the unfairness and the discrimination. I don’t want you to start an agitation nor a riot, I don’t want you to protest nor take sides in an election during voting, I don’t want you to write thousands of letters begging the people in power to act against the injustices, I don’t have an antidote to your depression nor for your misery in life. All I know is that you’ve got to get Mad about your disposable position in the society and how it looks at you. Get up out of your chairs, stick your head out of the window and yell “I’m a human being, goddammit!! My life has value. I contribute to my family, friends and society through my hardships. Men’s lives matter too”. So, I want you to get up now. Get up out of your chairs and get up RIGHT NOW and wake up out of that clouded head of yours and come out of that fog and yell – like an angry prophet denouncing the hypocrisies of our times- “Things have got to change! The way this country treats Men- it is not fair! Men’s lives matter too and we’re not going to take this anymore”

You’re gonna do it, are you not?

Because they’re still gaslighting us.

“It has nothing to do with Male bashing”

Yea, right.


  1. Purple Motes – Douglas Galbi
  2. The Fiamengo File 2.0 – Professor Janice Fiamengo
  3. Girl Writes What! – Karen Straughan
  4. Paul Elam
  5. Feminists Lies and Statistics – Paula Wright
  6. Network (1976) – Sidney Lumet

Suggested Reading:
Daphne Patai: Professing Feminism: Education and Indoctrination in Women’s Studies
Perspectives on Female Sex Offending by Myriam S. Denov,
When She was Bad: Violent Women & the Myth of Innocence by Patricia Pearson
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy – Mothers who harm their children for attention, article by Gad Saad
Crimes by Women and how Indian Laws favor only Women.
P.B Anderson’s 1998 study on women’s Sexual initiation and aggression.

30 Times Indian Feminists Proved They Are Hypocrites

This blog piece contains criticism, strong language & disturbing content discussing Crimes by Women. I suggest the reader to not take this information at face value. If possible, I truly encourage to do your own research and form an opinion. If any of the stats, facts or statements I included appear incorrect, feel free to provide alternate sources so I can update the most accurate data possible.

Women’s issues provoke a call for change,
Blaming Patriarchy, society’s range.
But when Men face troubles, what’s the tune?
Self-improvement demanded, isn’t that an unfair rune?

Labeled instigators, the world’s wrongdoing,
Men carry burdens, historic and ongoing.
Innocent Boys and Men, stripped of hope and trust,
Hearing vitriol from those they thought just.

Betrayed by politics, left and right alike,
One demanding to ‘Man up’, the other demanding
to “be vulnerable” woman-like.
Lost in the chaos, boys fall through the cracks,
Victims of a gender war’s relentless attacks.

Why blame Men for the paths they tread,
While Women escape scrutiny, unscathed?
Unequal scales of agency, unjustly assigned,
A poignant hypocrisy in the gendered grind.


Erased victims, society turns its back,
Systemic discrimination, an invisible attack.
One-sided statistics, a distorted view,
Men’s suffering dismissed, their pain untrue.
Unreported abuse, dark corners unseen,
Prison walls conceal, where nightmares convene.
Legal definitions, a gendered divide,
Their assault omitted, casting truth aside.

In the Courts, reproductive rights fade away,
Men’s stories buried, in silence they sway.
Cries of Misogyny, a shield to deflect,
Apathy prevailing, Misandry remains unchecked.
Comfort in ignorance, denial takes its hold,
Numbers speak loudly, of stories untold.
Unseen, unrecognized, their plight ignored,
Masculine struggles cast aside, deplored.

False allegations, a tale we ignore,
Their anguish eclipsed, silenced to the core
Compassion reserved, solely for Female side,
While Men’s battles rage, their pleas denied.
No easy answers, but the question remains,
What about the Men, what about their pains?
Let’s be honest and confront our disdain,
For the silenced men, let empathy regain.

The truth persists, demanding to be heard,
Men’s pain unmasked, their voices stirred.
Unveiling the erasure, breaking through the façade,
Confronting the indifference, society’s charade.
For empathy knows no gender, it seeks truth,
Invisible victims, their suffering uncouth.
In solidarity we stand, their rights to defend,
To honor the silenced, only then the justice will transcend.

Below are 30 instances when Feminists, Feminist Media and Women of the country did not care about fellow human’s problems simply because of the victim’s gender – Male.

When the victim is a Woman – we say Society must change, Men/Boys should be taught, Laws must be introduced to address women’s issues, “Victims of Patriarchy”, riots against Police, slogans like “Hang /Kill all Men”, Primetime News debates, Hashtags demanding immediate justice etc.,

When the victim is a common Man – Toxic masculinity, Patriarchal mindset, Women have been oppressed, Men have always been evil – so they deserve it. Right?

Because in a female-prioritized society, what doesn’t directly benefit women, does not benefit humanity – this is the implied logic of an average (entitled) Feminist. Women have problems whereas Men are the Problems.

It would be incredibly stupid of you to think that I’m encouraging people to hate/incite violence against Women based on their gender. No, that is not my intention. The point is to show the contrast and bring to light how people react when the victim is a woman vs when the victim is a man. As Phil Mitchell: Male Sexual Abuse Specialist mentioned – we hold a magnifying glass to the abuse of girls/women (as proven by headlines, funding & initiatives) whilst turning that magnifying glass into a blind eye when it comes to addressing the abuse of boys/men. How people, especially Women, are being indoctrinated and brainwashed by the ideas of Feminism to demonize & hate Men, push the narrative of Pro-Female Anti-Male (Women are wonderful effect), achieve the so-called “Equality” and ‘reclaim Femininity’ at the expense of Men. The very existence of Feminism demonstrates that a Woman fundamentally lacks intelligence & capacity to appreciate the sacrifices a Man makes to facilitate her reality. Often times personal experience is appropriated and transformed into assumed powerlessness and resentment while gratitude, empathy, stoicism, and responsibility fall away. As mentioned in my previous blog – Boys and Men are no longer perceived as fellow human beings with their own life struggles but as antagonists who demean, objectify, and assault.

My dear Feminists, where were you when these were happening?
Why have you never initiated a conversation on your blogs, social media pages etc., about these crimes by women?

Instances of Murder:
Year 2023:


Source: Read here


Source: Read here


Source: Read here


Source: Read here


Source: Read here


Source: Read here


Source: Read here


Source: Read here


Source: Read here


Source: Read here


Source: Read here


Source: Read here


Source: Read here

Year 2022:


Source: Read here


Source: Read here

Year 2021:


Source: Read here

But you know what? A woman can still get Bail on the basis of her gender alone!!

Source: Read here(Voice For Men India)


Source: Read here

Year 2020:


Source: Read here

After looking up the details of each horrific incident and realizing how little these issues are being discussed, I could only imagine what the victims’ family would have gone through running from court to court while simultaneously learning how Indian Law works more in favor of Women at every juncture and how hard it is to seek appropriate Justice.

Women abusing children:


Source: Read here
If you are not convinced that it is abuse, just flip the genders – imagine the outrage if the parent is a Father getting his “body painted” by a female child.


Read here

Cyber Bullying/ Harassment by Women:


Source: Read here

Extortion by Women:


Source: Read here

Hypocrisy of Indian Law in False accusations /Misuse of laws:


Read here

But…but… but….. Believe All Women right?

Source: Read here

And this –


Source: Read here


Read here


Source: Read here

27) Maintenance laws hypocrisy; Men forced to pay:

Source: Read here For more details: Watch here

28) Maintenance laws hypocrisy; Maintenance granted in cases of Adultery:

29) Ownership of Sexuality: And then we get diamonds like this:

By his logic – corollary: Woman is not owner of Husband’s sexuality. Shouldn’t that also be true?
Source: Read here

30) Maintenance laws hypocrisy; Judiciary endorsing and favoring only Woman’s choices:

When it comes to a Woman, Court’s answer is as below:

But when it comes to a Man, Courts do a 180:

Can you ever imagine Indian Courts saying, ”To Work or Not is a Man’s choice“?

Are you still blind to not notice how systematically Men are disadvantaged in the name of Women Empowerment and promoting Equality?

How many more examples should I point out to expose the double standards that mainly benefit Women in most of these cases – Maintenance laws, Adultery, Bias against Men in legal systems, milder punishments for Women just because of their Gender, almost no exercise of perjury laws against false accusations by Women – which are a direct result of Feminism?

Part Deux: The Itchy Witchy Bitchy Herstory of Feminism

This blog piece contains criticism, strong language and disturbing content on the topic. So, if your sensitivity meter is not tuned to provide a counter argument to the perspective, you may leave this page at this very instant- because what you’re about to read will surely hurt your long-held sentiments. However, if you want to consider the slightest possibility that all this movement has been a sham, filled with double standards and if you have a valid counter, I recommend reading this article until the very end and leaving a comment as feedback. I suggest the reader to not take this information at face value. If possible, I truly encourage to do your own research and form an opinion. If any of the stats, facts or statements I included appear incorrect, feel free to provide alternate sources so I can update the most accurate data possible.

Note: The sources are provided at the end of the article.

First, I’d like to sincerely apologize for being very respectful earlier towards a movement that I assumed to have had some good intentions somewhere in its inception. The more and more I researched, it has made me doubt – like Janice Fiamengo pointed out – the reason, decency, and fairness of the average Woman/Man who identifies themselves as a Feminist.

Victoria Woodhull, the American leader of the Suffrage Movement famously said:
Yes, I am a Free Lover. I have an inalienable, constitutional and natural right to love whom I may, to love as long or as short a period as I can; to change that love every day if I please, and with that right neither you nor any law you can frame have any right to interfere. And I have the further right to demand a free and unrestricted exercise of that right, and it is your duty not only to accord it, but, as a community, to see that I am protected in it. I trust that I am fully understood, for I mean just that, and nothing less!

Feels so empowering, isn’t it?

The Current Scenario:
Let’s consider some recent news for the sake of relatability:

1) Emma Watson on her Instagram: This is 33. Holy moly. Before 29 I hadn’t even heard of a Saturn Return as a concept. Let’s just say that now I am well acquainted. 😅🪦⚰️🧟‍♀️☄️🪐🪂💥
2) Sam Smith gives a Fetish Gear performance in the Gloria World tour with more Satanic outfit and feminine presentation.
3) International Women’s Day celebration: A series of short clips where women proudly say, “I am Goddess <their name> and I am reclaiming my power”, #EmbraceEquity and pictures of people hugging themselves.
4) All these newly produced and now female-led vehicles – Captain Marvel, She-Hulk, Charlie’s Angels (The nauseating Bank’s version) filled with Gurrrl Powerrr rhetoric which is evident in the casting and cast characterizations. The males are typically either boorish imbeciles or evil scumbags, while the females are flawless heroines who not only attain all their powers immediately, but know how to wield them perfectly, and must never face any personal struggles or weaknesses while audiences are being patronized and lectured with political messages and feminist propaganda instead. And when the projects fail, Hollywood and these filmmakers (people like Elizabeth Banks, Brie Larson) blame “Patriarchy”.  These are the people who I’d like to call as Mary Sues in New Shoes who doesn’t have a frame of reference with Male experience.  Hollywood Critic Paul Chato even said, “In the case of Marvel, we thought we had an ally in Kevin Feige, but the princess culture shrunk whatever testicles Feige had.”

Now, in the examples below I’d like for you to identify the difference between responsible filmmakers/Technicians and the irresponsible ones.

David Fincher on the cancellation of Mindhunter:
“I don’t know if it makes sense to continue,” Fincher told Variety during an interview for a cover story on the making of “Mank.” “It was an expensive show. It had a very passionate audience, but we never got the numbers that justified the cost.”

Elizabeth Banks: (Charlie’s Angels, Fast Company Innovation Festival)
My real plea is for men to have enough empathy to go see movies starring women because I’ve been asked to go see movies starring men my entire life, and I’ve happily done so. I don’t know why men don’t return that fucking favor.

Viola Davis, at the premiere of The Woman King:
“But here’s the thing I’m going to add to that: It will just be a moment if people don’t come to see the movie. Okay? Because you’re sending a very clear message to a machine called Hollywood…Hollywood is interested in green. It just is, it is what I do, so if you don’t come see it then you’re sending a message that black women cannot lead the box office globally.”

Jodie Turner-Smith (At Star Wars Celebration 2023 in London):
“My character, you know, she’s a powerful leader. She’s a powerful leader in a very woman-centered world, which I was very excited to kind of be in that because I feel like Star Wars is very patriarchal. So it was kind of cool to have this sort of woman-centered figure.”

I was wondering who owns the LucasFilm currently and then I realized they already gave a heads-up many years ago about this impending doom – “The Force is Female” <facepalm>

Confused that I already have been, I was further bombarded with more gut-wrenching cringe watching these Movies/Tv Shows unfold in real-time while the allies continued to say “Wow” for every piece of content that’s been coming out. If anyone doesn’t support it and questions the logical consistency – its suddenly a “You problem” because they’re error-free, perfect and their version of the narrative (“My Truth, My Lived experience”) is the most significant. And then I started to think,” Where the fuck did these behaviors, expressions and the lexicon originated from” because I couldn’t understand why they were doing what they were doing – the common theme being “Women have problems. Men are the Problems”. But when observed a bit closely, most of this language consists of – “Celebrating femininity, Self-Love, Fempowerment, gender equality, reproductive rights, violence and abuse against women, Trans rights are human rights, Protect Trans kids” where Women were the only focal point concerning any perspective. It is almost as if to be a supporter of these causes and to be a Feminist is to be on the right side of the history. This pattern is something anyone with a sane mind can observe and with enough research can find surprising and often shocking revelations.

So, we have narrowed down the things that all these Feminists/Social Justice Warriors have in their vernacular – Men oppressed women, Masculinity is bad, Men are misogynistic, Patriarchal, women could not have careers, couldn’t choose their own spouse, forced to give birth, trapped in abusive marriages, raped by anyone and everyone. Meaning to say that women were considered only as slaves prior to 1920 and had no human rights whatsoever. They also make assertions that History is nothing but an intentional plotting by Men to control and subjugate women. This is what is called as Standpoint Feminism. According to this theory, women’s “lived reality” is different from men’s and more accurate because women, positioned at the bottom of the gender hierarchy, can perceive the effects of oppressive power in a way that those who allegedly benefit from it cannot. And men are the fools who were too scared of female sexuality to such a degree that they became paranoid mass murderers/oppressors of women who deviated even slightly from cultural norms. Boys and men are no longer perceived as fellow human beings with their own life struggles but as antagonists who demean, objectify, and assault. But the extremely important common aspect among all these Feminists is their belief in – either one, few or all of them – the Lucifer, Witchcraft, Occult, Spiritualism, Theosophy, Astrology, Black Magic, and all the quackery that comes along. This is where things get interesting. So, buckle up. If you are a weak hearted Feminist, I suggest you leave this space now and get back to your own life.

I am alerting you again!!!

Ok, well. Thanks for staying. I give you the benefit of doubt that you are here to learn the dark untold truth about Feminism and its Occult roots. Let’s get it started in here!!

While researching for this blog piece, I came across a very bizarre Reddit thread that goes by the name:  WitchesVsPatriarchy whose objective is cited on their page as below:

r/WitchesVsPatriarchy is a woman-centered sub with a witchy twist, aimed at healing, supporting, and uplifting one another through humor and magic. The goal is to at once embrace, and poke fun at, the mystical aspects of femininity that have been previously demonized and/or devalued by the patriarchy. This subreddit is a Safe Space for Women, BIPOC, and anyone in the LGBTQ+ community. We are Sisters, not Cisters. If you do not consider yourself an ally, then this subreddit is not for you.

Though women-centric, we welcome all beings interested in using their esoteric powers to destroy the Patriarchy and all its constraints on women, men, and everybody in between and beyond.

The following is the most important point that caught my attention even more:

Taking a more historic approach to the concept of witches, this sub is meant to channel the spirit of the women who were persecuted in witch trials worldwide as part of a thinly veiled systemic oppression of female power.

(I highly encourage you to lookup this thread and read the nonsense going on in there. Witness for yourself!)

On the surface it’s just predominantly a Girls group who loves rocks, plants and gardening. But apparently this group has around 7 Lakh people, women who consider themselves Witches. Sometimes they share spells and discuss how to use their crystals – “Here’s some helpful tips to make your spells work”. Other rituals include collecting Menstrual blood and refrigerating it so they could use it later for feeding plants because they believe it acts as natural fertilizer and other household stuff – including Baking Cakes. This is what they view as taking back from Patriarchy, embracing femininity. This is not a group of 100 or 1000 people. A whopping 7 Lakh people from all over the world!!! You want me to think that this is a small group who would leave no impact and the conversations going on in there are something that can be ignored? Coz these certainly look like the kind that would kill for or die defending Feminism.

These are the very people who are clearly influenced by the “Feminist Warriors”. The Pop culture and the academics already convinced that the women who came before fought a brave grassroots war against Patriarchy. They are also told that only because of the brave women and their sacrifice, even the modern women also have the right to speak or put words on paper, therefore they have a duty to carry on this fight. This can be traced back to the olden days where all the so-called “Strong” women held ridiculous belief systems during most or at least crucial part of their lifetimes while laying the framework for Feminist Ideology.

Occult Roots of Feminism:
Here I’ll be mentioning several Suffragettes/Warriors and their brief itchy witchy bitchy herstories. Not necessarily in chronological order but their interconnectedness across time.

Margaret Fuller:
Author of Women in Nineteenth Century
2) Ori
ginally appeared as an essay in Ralph Waldo Emerson’s transcendentalist magazine The Dial.
3) She later expanded it in 1845 after working for 4 years as an editor.
4) Next year she worked as the first female editor for New York Tribune. She was sent to England as a foreign correspondent. She met an Italian man Giovanni Ossoli and had a child with him out of wedlock.
5) Abby Slater’s In Search of Margaret Fuller: A biography recounts Fuller’s beliefs: I have felt I was not born into a common womanly lot and that she had a man’s mind and have felt shame having born to the softer sex. She also clearly expressed frustration that many women didn’t share her idea that women must become intellectuals for humanity to achieve Utopian state of being. These were as a result of the influences she picked from Immanuel Kant and Emanuel Swedenborg who held more heterodox views on Christianity and were more esoteric and occultic than they were Christian. The unitarian and esoteric transcendentalist views of Margaret Fuller were the basis for ideas of gender as a spectrum. Fuller also shared strong love-hate relationship with her father – trope that we now see in modern day, “Man-hating feminist with typical daddy issues.”

Mary Wollstonecraft:
1) Author of Vindication of Rights of Women 1792, another darling of Feminists.
2) Multiple affairs – first with Henry Fuseli who was already married (and even attempted to move in with the couple but failed), then with Gilbert Imlay, another married man, with whom she had a daughter out of wedlock. When Imlay left her, she was obsessed and attempted suicide twice to win him over but ended up a failure. She soon got over him and married William Godwin with whom she gave birth to Mary Shelley.
The reason to mention their affairs is because – Travelling Europe, making a living working as a writer, having a child out of wedlock and ironically complaining about how shackled they were by patriarchy is a noteworthy similarity between Wollstonecraft and Margaret Fuller. They were having scandalous relationships without receiving much pushback, let alone being forced back in the kitchen.

Now the main figures of the Suffrage movement:

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B Anthony and Co.
1) Most powerful and prominent figures of the first wave feminism
2) One of the popular achievements being Stanton and 26 other feminists published The Woman’s Bible.
3) This is the important thing to note here. Stanton in the introduction of the book mentions that the only thing that was holding back Women’s Liberation was Traditional Christianity.
4) The revision committee of The Woman’s Bible consisted of 8 spiritualists/occultists, 4 atheists and three Quakers all who were hostile critics of Christianity.
5) Further stating about the contradictions in Bible, she said, The Canon law, the scriptures, the creeds and codes and Church discipline of the leading religions bear the impress of fallible man, and not the ideal of our great first cause, the Spirit of all Good”. This influence was obvious from Charles Kingsley’s who held beliefs such as The English Monarch were descendants of Norse God. .I’ll leave it to you to interpret what “Spirit of All Good” means in real world.

Another important member of this committee was
Matilda Joslyn Gage:
1) Author of Woman, Church and State 1893
2) Was a devoted Occultist and Theosophist
3) She shared this passion with Daughter Maud & Maud’s husband – Frank Baum who went on to write The Wizard of Oz – which says the Witches are the misunderstood victims of social justice by Patriarchy and not necessarily evil.

It is crucial to note the Objectives of Theosophists/Transcendentalists :
(Suggested read:
Key To Theosophy by Helena Blavatsky)

1) Abolish the idea of Gender altogether
2) Merge religion, science and philosophy.

Another common element of all these feminists – Tarot cards, Astrology, Horoscopes and language such as “sending good vibes” all associated with Theosophy.

London Chapter of the Theosophical society:

Mabel Collins:
1) Victorian era Feminist Hero(ine)
2) Heavily influenced by Helena Blavatsky – cofounder of Theosophical Society
3) Together theypublished a magazine, Lucifer,  which consisted of writings about Occult, Esoteric sciences, Black Magic, Feminism, Freemasonry, Kabbalah, Astrology.
4) The two fell apart because Helena was accused of plagiarism and forgery while Mabel was accused of having affairs with members of the Society.

Florence Farr
Popularly known for being an Occult Feminist
first marriage ended in worst divorce
3) Had multiple affairs including Aleister Crowley – famous English Occultist, a self-identifying Prophet and founder of religion Thelema.
4) She was a muse for both George Bernard Shaw and WB Yeats. They saw her as the New Woman – an embodiment of the feminist ideal – sexually liberated, independent and career oriented. Feminists call her a prolific writer of women’s liberation, but no one talks about her past that she was an Occult priestess who had “ability” to summon powerful gods such as the demon of MercuryTaphthartharath.

Annie Besant:
1) Successor to Helena Blavatsky,
2) Advocated for secularism, socialism, birth control and feminism before getting introduced to Blavatsky and eventually transitioned to Theosophy.
3) Annie and Leadbetter (accused pedophile who gave “spiritual guidance” about masturbation to the underage boys), with whom she harnessed psychic abilities, adopted Jiddu Krishnamurthi who believed that he would be the “World Leader”. This was because they thought J.K. should be trained to be the human vessel for a holy spirit they believed was a sort of messiah.

Alice Bailey:
1) Author of The Externalization of the Hierarchy 1934
2) She was also known as ”the mother of the New Age” in the Theosophy circles
2) The book’s basic idea is to unify all religions and governments the teachings of which Alice claimed to have received from enlightened spiritual entities from another realm by means of Telepathy/Psychic communication (notably similar to the sayings of other Theosophists and their followers)

The only way to check the validity of these claims is to consider the following three possibilities:

1) They are all Pathological/ Compulsive liars
2) They are mentally ill to a large extent or
3) The claims are indeed true and we have to take their word for it (They know that no one will ever be able to find any evidence whatsoever to disprove their claims.)

Margaret Sanger:
1)Famously the Champion of Birth Control: No woman can call herself truly free until she can consciously choose whether she will or will not be a mother”
2) Published her writings in socialist magazine The New York Call “What every Mother should know”, “What every Girl should know” with the desire to obtain Free Love, discover “God” in her own interpretation and become empowered.
3) Known for her famous story The Death of Sadie Sachs: “Helplessly watching a woman die from a self-induced abortion” which was likely to be a fabricated tale just to push the narrative of Planned Parenthood, Birth control to the forefront of feminist and women’s health issues.
4) In 1915 she violated postal obscenity laws through The Woman Rebel (which had the slogan – No Gods, No Masters)  which contained graphic depictions of various contraceptive methods. She fled overnight to avoid arrest leaving her kids (Grant, Stuart and Peggy) and husband behind. She fled to Europe and had multiple affairs while her husband struggled with raising children. When Peggy died of illness, unable to live with the guilt, Margaret participated in Rosicrucian Occult rituals with the help of Havelock Ellis, a sexologist, who was her lover at the time. All these have been detailed in Ellen Chesler’s Woman of Valor. H.G. Wells was one of her famous lovers and a great influence. Both were believers in Free Love same as Victoria Woodhull (the name I mentioned in the beginning)

Simone de Beauvoir:
1) On the purely occultist side there was Marjorie Cameron who had become a counterculture icon and a well-known witch. On the secular side there was Simone de Beauvoir who laid the groundwork for second wave feminism.
2) She saw Christianity as a patriarchal Fantasy and had extremely negative views on motherhood, and maternal instinct.
3) June 14th 1975 in “Sex, Society and Female Dilemma”, she said, As long as the family and the myth of the family and the myth of maternity and the maternal instinct are not destroyed, women will still be oppressed. No woman should be authorized to stay at home and raise her children. Society should totally be different. Women should not have that choice, precisely because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one.”
4) She never had children but participated in multiple affairs. She believed that Pansexuality was ideal as it provided maximum freedom, and that both heterosexuality and homosexuality are restrictive. Hence, she was among the first to describe the gender-sex distinction which defines transgender ideology today which can be seen in her book “The Second Sex” – One is not born but becomes a woman.
5) Her book also talks about goddess Ishtar associated with seeking more power typically over men and gods. The book clearly expresses her tendency to bring back the culture of worshipping goddesses especially those who dominate men rather than goddesses who represent motherhood, marriage or submission to man. In Modern paganism and witchcraft, Lilith represents female liberation and sexual control, abortion rights and vengeance against men.

This Influence can be seen in the first ever Ms Magazine cover – image of Indian goddess Kali. Kali represents a badass feminist symbol to all the young and modern women because she is the symbol that strikes fear into hearts of men – the ultimate symbol of female wrath and liberation. Which is the reason pagan symbolism has been popularly used by Feminist popstars. For these people some form of Pagan witchcraft is a natural fit.

Suggested read: Thuggees of India – sons of Kaali Maatha who kill only Men as an offering to Kali.

Betty Friedan:
1) Author of The Feminine Mystique who is responsible for officially kicking off the more radical second wave feminism.
2) The book popularized the now commonly found trope – bored, unfulfilled housewife who inevitably end up having affairs to relieve her restlessness.
3) Although she didn’t particularly prioritize sexual liberation, she was more inclined towards equal job opportunities and legal independence for women. She also advocated for abortion, no-fault divorce and birth control. Her 1973 UN document The Humanist Manifesto II confirms this and the rejection of dogmatic religion as a whole. It sought to establish a purely secular, centrally planned one world society with an international court and the total abolition of national borders. This falls completely in line with the goals of U.N. and the Rockefeller Foundation.
4) Since the target audience for these ideas are average housewives, the media’s focus quickly shifted to a different voice that advocated for more spicy version of Feminism which primarily consisted of support to radical lesbian feminism – Gloria Steinem.

Gloria Steinem:
1) In 1969, her presence in the sphere of Feminism quickly became popular as the media started to give more coverage – the obvious reasons being she was 13yrs younger, got long hair and better style quotient compared to the aging, frumpier Betty.
2) This eventually led to a cat figh..oops, sorry! Ideological rivalry between the two resulting in Betty accusing Steinem of being a puppet of CIA (which was true) while Steinem accused Betty of being homophobic (which was also true).
3) Steinem’s work in journalism and media was directed and funded by CIA as a part of their effort to liberalize western culture, and feminism was a big part of this effort. This disproves the narrative that the second wave was a result of housewives’ effort to break the shackles of domestic slavery. The feminist revolution of 60’s and 70’s feminism was planned, orchestrated and manipulated with Gloria as its poster child.
4) This was how the Ms Magazine got its funding from CIA and was introduced to influence the American Culture at the time. It was the first ever explicitly feminist magazine setup by Gloria and her then CIA colleague, Clay Felker.
5) As I earlier mentioned about the cover photo of the first issue – Goddess Kali, this also gives us the information about Gloria’s link to Theosophy and India (My Life On The Road). Her paternal grandmother was a suffragist & feminist activist and as well as a Theosophist. She had an upbringing in the tradition under the wing of her mother Ruth Steinem who was also a Theosophist.
6) And as a last piece of information, she famously said in 2014 at the MAKERS conference,” Religion is the biggest problem facing Feminism today.”

So, the need to build a “safe-space” for women and feminists where they can express connection to “higher power”, “Oneness”, “Spirit of the Good” has taken the shape of Spiritualism that doesn’t conflict with feminist ideology. So, what best can be the alternative to traditional Christianity than the modern version of Witchcraft/ Lucifer Worship/Wicca that not only is compatible with feminism (which is innately radical) but also reinforces and revitalizes it?

Suggested read: Consciousness-Raising (the origins of how women gravitated towards establishing  women-only clubs etc.,)

To Sum up – There was Orthodox Christianity – and then there were Enlightenment ideas of social justice, individualism etc., which opened doors to great theological divide since it allows every person to interpret The Bible to create their own view, tradition and worship style thereby creating most radical forms of Christianity. These Radically Liberal Protestant women from these sects played a crucial role in the women’s suffrage movement, which paved way for new age occultism and re-emergence of witchcraft and goddess worship in the name of social justice, progress and tolerance.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Anti Suffrage Movement>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Now that we’ve seen the background of who these suffragettes were and the motivations behind the movement, let s take a look at how many women actually were in support of this Neo-Order that the modern feminists rarely talk about:

Anti Suffrage Movement, Nebraska:

Suffrage was so unpopular with women in 1894/1895, that the state of Massachusetts asked women of voting age whether they wanted suffrage. Of the 5,75,000 eligible women voters, only 22,204 voted yes. That means only 3.8%. So, if the female populace at large was NOT demanding the right to vote as we’re always told they were, how was such a thing passed?

Only a small minority of American women voiced any support for women’s suffrage in the decades leading up to the passage of the 19th Amendment. The average woman didn’t see a need to participate in the electoral process if the head of her household was already participating, but that did not stop the ruling elites from passing suffrage anyway. Who were these people, and what was their motivation to pass such an unpopular measure against uproarious opposition from women themselves? Before that I request you to read what the women in 1914 were saying about not wanting to participate in Voting. Here’s the image below:

Perhaps the largest financier of the women’s suffrage movement was Alva Vanderbilt Belmont. She was born Alva Erskine Smith to a wealthy family in Mobile, Alabama in 1853. Her mother was the daughter of a U.S. congressman, and her father was a successful merchant. In 1875, she married William Kissam Vanderbilt, grandson of Cornelius Vanderbilt (one of the elites).

Victoria Woodhull got funding for Woodhull,Claiflin&Co., first female owned trading company on the New York Stock Exchange by Cornelius Vanderbilt. Victoria Woodhull was also an occult practitioner who worked for him as a spirit medium. Cornelius had an affair with Victoria’s sister Tennie, who was also a medium and psychic by profession.

Victoria was not guided by the ghosts, nor she was a fantastic psychic like her supporters say she was but by Josie Mansfield who was a prostitute whose clients included Wall Street Bankers and Vanderbilt’s rival, Jim Fisk.  In their lifetime, Victoria and her family made a living ranging from scamming cancer patients to cheating on the stock market. No feminist will talk about this dark side of the American leader of the suffrage movement because it would discredit not only the image of Woodhull but the entire first wave feminism. Feminist historians would love to see this con-artistry approach (robbing gullible people who are desperate to contact their dead ancestors especially after a horrific Civil War) as a clever work-around against the system of patriarchy who made their way up. But keep in mind that Tennie and Victoria continued to travel about the country, marry, divorce, have multiple affairs, escaping systems of justice for scams and frauds that resulted in killing cancer patients so they can start businesses and rub elbows with wealthy people.

Victoria and Tennie also ran a newspaper in 1870s Woodhull,Claiflin Weekly which was used to promote the ideas of Free Love,  sex education, woman’s right to no-fault divorce and suffrage which was exactly similar to the second wave feminists of the 1960s.  Alva funded these suffrage movements using the money she attained from her first divorce and the wealth she attained after the sudden death of her second husband.

Thereby concluding that Feminists Suffrage movement was not a grassroots movement driven by the collective will of the Women nor a democratic tool of liberation but Woman’s suffrage movement that was forced upon the populace by the wealthiest and powerful elites who have had occult beliefs underpinning its ideology. It has always been a collective lunatic fringe parasitized by quasi-religious belief systems whose cognitive processes are impossible to penetrate with any reasonable argument and whose psychological positions are removed from objective reality.

With this knowledge in mind, go back to the top and read again what this quackhead Victoria Woodhull said. I’ll leave it to your own conscience and let you decide if these women are worth the respect, attention and honor that the Feminists demand us to give.

>>>>>>Feminism is simply the political arm of these ancient religions>>>>>>

Christine de Pizan (The Book of the City of Ladies), Mary Wollstonecraft, Sofia Ripley (Woman), Margaret Fuller, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B Anthony, Victoria Woodhull, Alexandra Kollontai, Phoebe Hearst (Bahai Faith), Simone de Beauvoir, Betty Frieden, Gloria Steinem, etc all have one thing in common – They all expressed frustration that most women around them seemed perfectly happy (The Itchy part that I was referring to in the title) to wear pretty dresses, hangout in parties, sewing circles or do other silly “girly” things rather than be intellectuals or engineers. And that women should be defined by anything other than their devotion to husband and family. Their Feminist Utopia cannot be realized until practically all differences among humans have been erased. This became a starter pack for women who are told that institutions of society are inherently oppressive to women and there is power that has been stolen from them that they must reclaim. This triggered the selfish need to obtain the ability and freedom to customize and individualize feminist theology that reflects ***Luciferian tendency within the feminist spirituality which deifies the self.  (Probably the reason why modern women make those videos on International Women’s Day).

1) International Women’s Day was an integral part of the Russian Revolution and the many atrocities it committed in the 20th century.
2) Alexandra Kollontai‘s policy of state- funded abortion was responsible for legalizing abortion in Russia.
3) She was the first to say that woman should stop seeing themselves as mothers and begin to learn to see as Economic Units.
4) Like most other prominent feminist figures, Alexandra divorced her first husband and abandoned her young son because she “felt trapped” and wanted to travel and join the Marxist revolutionaries.

The women’s studies historians have a strong desire to make imposters, quacks, mentally ill, suicidal women into heroines and courageous freedom fighters for the cause of social justice. Because most of the people who write about women are exclusively Feminists. This is like expecting Sadhguru or Zakir Naik to delve deep into the history of Hinduism/Islam and wait for them to say anything remotely negative or faulty about their own belief systems. The first wave feminists – consisting of Spiritualists, Theosophists, and Feminists – all united under the theme – Christianity as the oppressor of women, naturally led to the idea that ***Lucifer is the liberator of Women (The Witchy part)– this is clearly supported by Per Faxneld, Scholar in Religious Studies, in his book Satanic Feminism: Lucifer as the Liberator of Woman in Nineteenth-Century Culture (Oxford Studies in Western Esotericism)

The point being that all the women around the world who adopt feminism conveniently leave the details of Occult background, demon summoning abilities out of the stories of their feminist heroines. Feminist academists are the gatekeepers of Feminist herstories of women’s liberation for over half a century now and they have buried most of this information because nothing would be more embarrassing to them than the public realizing that the women they have made into idols were either liars, frauds, or messengers of the demonic. If the whole truth was told, the public might dismiss feminist ideology as the work of con artists rather than the workers of social justice and the donations and funding for women’s studies departments at major universities might dry up. Because of this, most of the students are told about some version of these stories which does not include promiscuous lifestyle (The Bitchy part) they enjoyed, insider trading, fake cancer cures, summoning demons, telepathy or cults. So, THERE WAS NEVER ANY WAVE OF FEMINISM that was much different to its predecessor.

Feminism continues to view Patriarchy as Androcentric. But Patriarchy comes with responsibilities unlike Androcentrism which is wholly authoritative with no responsibility whatsoever (Example: Handmaiden’s Tale). On the other hand, Feminism is Gynocentric which means that it aims for total authority that doesn’t include responsibility, accountability and continues to push unfalsifiable narratives under the guise of My Truth, Lived Experiences and Consciousness Raising. Even if it does, it extends help for women and minorities alone. Under this Feminist regime, Men’s highest purpose is to serve women’s interests.

So, if Patriarchy is not the answer, Matriarchy is?
If so, name some Matriarchs that stood the test of time.
Do the norms of family, Marriage and ultimately motherhood and bearing children must be destroyed in order for women to be truly liberated? Eugenics and Ectogenesis?

While it is understandable that childbearing and child rearing, practically speaking, require mothers to depend on the protection and provision of their husbands, why cannot it be viewed as a proper division of responsibility which requires both husband and wife to work together and cooperate in the formation of family and society in the grander scheme of life?

Why is there so much attempt to Virtue Signal Single Motherhood and project Single Mothers as Saints?
Are you aware of the consequences of children who grow up in fatherless homes ?

Feminists express concern about women’s representation in STEM fields.
But does anyone know about the representation of Men in HEAL fields and how women are dominating ? How many Feminists protested for equal representation of Men in those fields?

You might have already heard about Wage Gap multiple times.
Have you heard of Empathy Gap (against Men), Spend Gap (who makes the leading consumer decisions)?

Everyone talks about Power privilege. Are you aware of Beauty privilege?
Do you know there exists Attractive Bias against Men in legal systems?
(Read here)

This blog piece is not about telling people what they should believe but rather encourage them to question the existing narrative of Feminism- that it has always been a fight of honor while conveniently omitting the dark past and hidden motivations behind the movement. Because the more you hide the truth the more it makes clear for the people that women fundamentally lack the capacity to appreciate the effort a Man makes to facilitate her reality.

So, I ask you again– how much do you REALLY know about Feminism?

Peace out!!!!

1) Rachel Wilson, Occult Feminism: the Secret History of Women’s Liberation
2) Gad Saad, The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense
3) Professor Janice Fiamengo, The Fiamengo File
4) Rollo Tomassi, The Rational Male
5) Ms. Magazine: Wikipedia
6) Title image: A Wounded Fawn, 2022
7) Nebraska Anti-Suffrage: Read here
8) Per Faxneld, Satanic Feminism: Lucifer as the Liberator of Woman in Nineteenth-Century Culture (Oxford Studies in Western Esotericism)

The Double Game: Is Feminism necessary in 2023?

Debunking Feminism and Myths of Masculinity.

The aim of this article is to highlight how society disadvantaged Men in the name of Women Empowerment. I know this can be a difficult, broad, intense topic and the reader is advised to be aware that this writing has strong content discussing Rape & frightening forms of Violence. If any of the stats, facts or statements I included appear incorrect, feel free to provide alternate sources so I can update the most accurate data possible. Also, I suggest the reader to not take this information at face value, do your own research and form an opinion. Now that it is out of the way, lets dive-in.

As someone who is critical of horrors of human behavior originating from organized religion, I do find myself in difficult situations in order to convince the people that whenever I’m criticizing a particular thought, ideology etc., my disagreement with their views does not mean any hatred. I’m just trying to risk being offensive to seek what the hell this is all about.

Steven Weinberg once said – With or without religion, good people can behave well, and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil — that takes religion. This helped me to draw an interesting parallel that I observed recently.

Religion excuses bad behavior of people if they take shelter in God.
Society excuses bad behavior of women if they take shelter in Feminism.

Feminism has emerged to be a female supremacist movement. Primarily motivated to hate men, exact revenge, feminize men, gain rights without responsibilities, assume authority of a tyrannical man, earn advantages of a woman and have accountability of a child.  In the modern times, it is based on what women feel people should be doing rather what needs to be done that is based on facts & evidence. Lot of what Modern Feminism seems to be is an outlet for misdirected anger. I hear “You got it wrong! Feminism is about equality, rights, liberation “. But I think Feminism is all about equality only when it benefits women especially at the expense of men.

I can already imagine the amount of immediate hate and cancellation I’d get – that I’m a misogynist, Incel, lowlife, toxic, primitive minded and every other label. Why is it that one should be afraid to criticize any form of thought? Especially Feminism in these days- when there is a repeated pattern of behavior that arms women with most power which can destroy lives of Men and whoever is associated with them.

Is Feminism above criticism?

We all have been taught to respect Women, check when any Man crosses the line, how it is wrong to make sexist remarks etc., But who’s going to point out when a Woman crosses the line by taking advantage of laws, exhibit double standards and entitled behavior? Who is going to teach Feminists to consider constructive feedback while simultaneously not look at it as Misogyny or people trying to inflict coercive control?  (“How dare you say Women need to be taught!! You Patriarchal Pig!”)

Feminists cry that women are being robbed of their choices. Here’s how any woman can exercise her choice on any given day (considering that there is no act of violence towards them) and how it is exactly like the toxic men they say they hate.

Here’s how women are incentivized in the name of Freedom of Choice:

If a woman sleeps around – she’s bailed out by birth control.
Note: Woman has more than 10 forms of birth control. Man has 1 choice – Condom or No Condom.

This is not a case against sexual freedom but show how it differs for Men and Women in general without offering any justification. Male promiscuity and Female promiscuity work differently. We are not discussing Morality here.

ii) If that fails – she can opt for abortion.
Context– When a man wants to keep the child, woman doesn’t want to.

“Hello, Sir! It’s her body, her choice. She s the one that carries the child for 9 months.  It’s easy to say when you are a Man. You Men won’t understand the pain of Women

iii) If that fails – she gets child support, Alimony (irrespective of whether Woman has a job)
Context – Woman wants to keep the child, Man doesn’t want to.
Note: If we agree that a Woman should be given the right to opt out of motherhood, shouldn’t we also allow a Man to opt out of fatherhood and 18yrs of child support – in simple terms “My Wallet My Choice”? Ring any bell – Equality? Price of Woman’s Freedom at the expense of Man?

iv) If that fails and the woman is bad with her finances, she gets support from women’s shelters.
Note: There are no Men’s shelters. Nor a National Commission for Men (in India).
There’s even Animal Welfare Laws. But no laws exclusively for Men.
Men have no basic reproductive rights.

v) If a woman is unhappy about someone, she can write a post on social media and the accused Man is arrested without any investigation, lose all the jobs he holds, gets humiliated, gets labelled as Rapist, Abuser and made to run around courts proving his innocence etc.,
E.g., Jasleen Kaur-Sarvjeet Singh’s case. No consequences for false accusations by Jasleen.

What Modern Feminism gets Wrong:

We mostly see men as predatory because of their history with respect to dominance and control they maintained, especially over women, which can be summed up as Patriarchal masculinity. And it is understandable when people say they’re angry because of the obviously questionable history. But there is an increased fashion for people to throw darts at Men alone whenever something bad happens to women. Here are some cases which exposes Convenient Feminism.

i) It’s always a singular cause – Patriarchy/Toxic Masculinity. Be it Gun Violence, Murders, Domestic Violence, Male Gazing etc., Its always Men who are held at fault.

ii) It enables people to get a free pass to humiliate men (Men are Trash, Men are Pigs), Open Misandry, and zero accountability on a Woman’s part. That is where I think the terms like ‘Knocked Up’ comes from. The onus is always on Men. No responsibility has ever been claimed by Women. This I think is the most toxic trait of Modern Feminism.

iii) It fails to acknowledge the hardships Men had gone through and the huge responsibility they have had to build the Society it is today.

iv) It labels Men as Misogynists, Women or any other gender as the ones who has “Internalized/Cultural Misogyny” whoever questions the logical consistency.

This spawned a form of expression called Feminine Rage manifesting in ways unimaginable and in majority of the cases exceedingly harmful to Society as a whole. This is particularly aimed at shutting men down whenever any Woman feels threatened or helpless in almost every scenario.

Myths of Masculinity:

Here are some examples across several fields how this rage I earlier mentioned resulted in stereotyping Men.
1) Myth:  Men have always been poorly representing Women in Movies.
Fact: While that is true, let’s consider some examples where even Women got it wrong.
E.g., Darlings, Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey, She-Hulk 2022.
Glamorized the violence towards their toxic husbands and justified the revenge driven behavior. (Don’t even get me started on how badly She-Hulk was portrayed on TV and its sly take at Men)

2) Myth: Women are not delivered proper Justice by systems of Law.

Hyderabad 2019 Rape Case
The police first failed to promptly respond, then arrested the accused, followed no proper law, proceeded to encounter the men which likely seemed to be a response to the outrage from the world and got hailed as “Heroes” in the eyes of Public and media. So much for Democracy and Innocent Until Proven Guilty.

Still disagree? I simply quoted a Journalist – Lo and Behold!!!! – who happens to be A Woman! that disagrees with how the “Justice” was delivered:  The Logical Indian’s Sanika Athavale tells you why the joy around the Hyderabad encounter is problematic.

Having said this, name one case where a rape against a Man was met with such wild response and support by the Feminists, Media and the World? “OMG, Men get raped? You’re joking, right?”  

No! I am not!

3) Myth: But Men are more aggressive and started all Wars.

It is commonly assumed that Men are the only ones that are capable of exhibiting aggression, rage and violent behavior while Women to be more nurturing, more peaceful and unlikely to approve of violence. But did you know that there was a study by National Bureau of Economic Research that shines some interesting historical light on this matter? The paper looked at female rulers of European countries from 1480 to 1913 (including 193 reigns in 18 different polities) and whether their countries ever engaged in military conflict. As it turns out, women have a bad record as peacekeepers themselves: Queens were 27 percent more likely than kings to participate in inter-state conflicts. To much more surprise, its especially the married Queens that tend to be more violent than their male counterparts. While the data analyzed only 29 Queens, this strongly provides empirical evidence towards this question: Does having Women in leadership roles guarantee less violent world and better outcomes?

4) Myth: Most Violent Crime victims are Women.


According to Criminal Justice Information Services Division (CJIS) men were the victims in almost four out of five homicides and almost two-thirds of robberies and non-domestic aggravated assaults. So whatever violent behavior is being pointed out, that is indisputably being directed towards other males.
So, women are not the most affected victims as a result of male violence. Men are. (For God’s sake, this does not mean that we’re dismissing violence against women. Read my disclaimer again.)

5) Myth: Domestic Violence happens only to Women. Men are always the aggressors.


We often hear about the crisis of domestic violence against women, but many studies show that women are just as likely to initiate domestic violence as men. The disparity in victims, it seems, comes as a result of men overpowering women in physical confrontations as well as men failing to report incidents as frequently as women. Combined with the fact that men are less likely to receive cultural support when they identify themselves as victims particularly of female violence.

E.g., Johnny Depp – Amber Heard case. A Judge and a group of Jury members have found Amber to be guilty of inflicting violence and falsely implicating Johnny that he was the Abuser. While he remained accused without evidence, he lost contracts with studios and millions of dollars in the form of settlement for a span of 5 years. And note that this happened to a Man with Power, Wealth and Status. Imagine the wrath a regular Man could face at the hands of a Woman.

(While this is complicated and sensitive, I will be listing out more case-studies in detail in my next post because this is the battleground for Feminists while talking about Abuse in Relationships.)

6) Myth – All men want is Sex.
Is it easier for a Man or a Woman to get sex?
Does a Man make Woman wait for sex or the other way around?
What do you think of this – Women sleep with who they want and Men sleep with who they can?
Is sex typically the first thing that women withhold from Men when they don’t get what they want?

7) Myth: Men always sexually objectify women.

What do you think is the difference between sexually empowering women and objectifying them?
Is it possible that Sexual Empowerment of Women contributes to their own Objectification?
Is it a common practice that women often look for financial status and wealth of a Man while considering marriage/relationships?
If so, can we say that women judge men by what they can provide while men judge women by their looks?
So, can we agree that women objectify men financially?

8) Myth: Gender Pay Gap. Women are paid less.

The most illogical of all arguments Feminists keep bringing up while discussing Equality. While this has been debunked many times, I would still give benefit of doubt and help readers understand how to view it.

Consider this question:
If there’s a wage gap and men are so misogynistic, then why aren’t the companies hiring only women. Because its profitable to just hire women. 

Same question but clearer:
Have you ever worked at a job where a man works the same hours as you, in the same position, with the same seniority, brings in the same amount of money to the company but the boss decides to pay him 22% more than you? If so, why wouldn’t he fire that guy, hire a woman, pay her 22% less and get the exact same results?

So, does Pay Gap exist? Yes (Read here). But is it solely because of Sexism, Patriarchy, Toxic Masculinity? In most of the cases we are never made aware how exactly the negotiation for pay takes place between the employer and the applicant. We simply see the outcomes and make broad conclusions.

Take women’s Football or Basketball for example. You cannot expect to be paid equal when you are not bringing the same numbers as your Male counterparts. Even Women audiences don’t show interest in Women sports. That’s not because they hate each other. Some men’s sports are substantially more engaging and interesting on several levels that appeals to all people. Now you want to complain saying that Women are forced and manipulated into watching Men’s sports? Is that your best argument?

“No! How can you say that!! Men & Women are same. It’s just your mindset that must change and start to see people of other gender as your equals. No matter what, women should be paid same as men”

Well, I beg to differ. Because this equal-pay argument comes up mostly when discussing positions of power like – CEO, Political or High-profile positions without taking into account (read here) how many hours that CEO spends at work, Marital status, Traits of hardworking people like skill, ability to make decisions, Agreeability/Disagreeability dynamics, Educational background, Age, Experience etc., Surprisingly you don’t see protests for quotas when there’s less presence of women in physically challenging fields like Plumbing, Electricians, Sewage Work, Coal Mining, Construction sites, Cable Operations nor protests for Men in Women-dominant fields such as Nursing, OnlyFans etc.,  Take something as simple as protesting against getting free drinks/entry into Pubs for Women. You don’t hear them say, “Don’t give me freebies. Charge me as much as you charge other male customers” or “Give men free entry and free drinks“.

This begs the question – Do women want special treatment or Equality? Why is there so much reluctance to admit that women have privilege? Is it because you are afraid that once you admit it, you can then not be able to say you don’t have it and then won’t be able to cry Patriarchy anymore?

Angry, Triggered and confused? – Well, how about the simple understanding that Men and Women are different and have different interests? Because what you want looks like this – Traditional Outcomes with Modern Benefits.

Did you know about this Woman who ditched Feminism and agreed with Men?:

Cassie Jaye
– a documentary filmmaker and a Feminist for 10 years who has been well-versed with women’s issues. She started off to make a film about the issues and expose how Men are being hurdles to Women’s progress in Society. When her film released – The Red Pill, Oct 2016it was met with instant backlash. SURPRISE, SURPRISE!!! The protest was not by MEN! But mostly by Feminists and the media for its ‘Anti-Women’ content. Why do you think?

Reason: She met with truth. That Men are the ones who’re being unfairly treated by the society and hence made the movie about representing Men’s issues and their point of views. She questioned her preconceived notions, evolved over the course of editing the film and finally acknowledged Men’s predicament, dropped Feminism and adapted gender-equality activism.

The TED Talk where she explains all this:
MEETING THE ENEMY A feminist comes to terms with the Men’s Rights movement | Cassie Jaye | TEDxMarin

Will we ever reach consensus?

There’s one British activist who once used to be a Radical Islamist. After certain incidents, he came to terms with his newfound understanding, gave up his previously held beliefs and gravitated towards more Secular version. Talking about his transformation in a BBC show, he said,” No idea is above scrutiny, and no people are beneath dignity”. This one line stayed with me for years. Although I don’t identify with any religious ideology as such, I consider his approach towards unlearning and re-learning – about the same ideas that he once thought he knew all his life – very brave and honest work. He also said that it’s not Islamophobic to scrutinize Islam. And to extend that – it does not mean that I hate Women or consider them any less in value or respect just because I’m analyzing and questioning the existing form of Feminism. In fact, I love women. I have been fortunately blessed with beautiful, caring, strong, hardworking and sensible women in my life – family and friends.

But when it comes to Feminism as a whole,

-What are the rights that only men have that women don’t?
– Can u think of any recorded history where you think women had more power than they have right now?
If we live in such patriarchal society, where did the laws come from that protect women and punish men?

When is it possible to be pro-men without being anti-woman?
– Why do you think women are concerned about Male to Female CEOs ratios as opposed to dangerous dirty jobs done mostly by men?

Why do feminists not march fighting for equality for Male OnlyFans creators?
– Why do Women get lower jail sentences for the same crime?

– Have you ever heard about Sperm theft?
-Why are men losing custodial battle in most cases and women are assumed primary caregivers?

The rabbit hole goes deeper than this when you can get into suicide rates, homelessness rates, death statistics.

So, my point is that revenge/rage towards Men is not helpful, and no one deserves to be raped/subjected to violence, not even bad people. Because the problem with karmic justice is – two wrongs do not make it right. Just because Men were bad and women were oppressed historically, should that be allowed as an excuse to impose double standards? It will only contribute to perpetuating Victim- Oppressor vicious cycle. Any form of violent act should be taken seriously irrespective of the frequency of the crime or gender of the perpetrator.

As seen in above examples, when violence against men is considered non-existent and impossible to believe and often funny, it not only trivializes men’s experiences, but it also contributes to the trivialization of rape in general. Revengeful justice is only instant justice but not effective in longer run. How about giving hope for Reformative Justice?

My primary aim is for people to Understand Violence as a human problem, not gender problem. So far, women have been pointing out the toxic traits and the dangers a Man is capable of when left unguided. Thank you for that, we have been working on it and I think we are fairly doing better.

Now – by raising questions against Feminism, criticizing your inconsistent logic, and asking you to lookout for harmful behaviors even you are capable of just by being a Woman, can you at least consider a possibility that we are probably just trying to help see the darkest side of yourself and dangers you may pose to society as a whole?

Before you ask me to look in the mirror, may be its time even for you to look at yourself in that mirror and reflect that even you could be wrong and even you need to check your entitlement and correct your behavior.  Where does blaming men end, and personal responsibility & accountability begin?

Peace out!


Pop Culture Detective

Thinking In Art, A Revered Tribute from Heart

“Faint cries waiting to come to life

Of a twisted , or so they call a questioning mind, an intimidating knife

That cuts through the mind’s unending and gut-wrenching strife

For it could break open the cranium to marry reality, isn’t it Nature’s only wife?

So I went to bed watching, reading, imagining and dreaming Science Fiction’s rife

For this is the only chance to live the most, since no one knows what is afterlife”


Watching films is easy, but picking the right ones to talk about takes a bit of work. Picking them from many good films is even more of a task. So, somehow I tried to pick the following sci-fi films for this week’s post.

The Kovak Box (2006), Daniel Monzón Jerez


What could be a common factor among a successful sci fi writer, his soon-to-be-wife, a Spanish lady and sudden explosion of mass suicides? Inked with grappling script, loyalty to execution of an exciting idea rather than cheap sci-fi thrills or CGI, The Kovak Box is a perfect 2000s thriller that went under the carpet which manages to hold the viewer’s attention till the end with engaging pattern in dialogue construction and building the suspense . We also get to experience the thrills felt by any person watching the main character in the story uncovering the truth not with CGI grandeur but with brilliant performances and eye-catchy locations. While it may seem guessable, what makes the film worth watching is the consistent self-composition in the tone. Once again, this film proves the fact that Editing is the king, screenplay & score for the film are fitting crown and staff. So, go for it.

G.O.R.A (2004),  A.R.O.G (2008), Arif V 216 (2018), Ömer Faruk Sorak, Cem Yılmaz & Kıvanç Baruönü


Packed with the innocence of Sleeper (1973), the knack of Spaceballs (1987) and the heart of Galaxy Quest (1999), the first of the trilogy – G.O.R.A – follows the story of a greasy-haired carpet dealer/Fake UFO photo seller Arif from Turkey land who gets abducted by advanced human-like civilization. The rest of the story revolves around how he tackles the Turkey Vader on the spaceship filled with his fellow foul-mouthed subordinates and makes it back home with his Leia. Certain it is that it is a dig at Star Wars, The Fifth Element and other popular sci-fi films. But the film is self-referential, honest in its approach and contains fresh, inventive humor given its modest budget. The same goes with its successors – A.R.O.G and Arif V 216 – where the humor quotient is well-maintained throughout without dropping from the bar it has set for itself. That is where this trilogy remains a winner and hence it deserves a watch. Sit back and enjoy this fast paced, surprising Turkish sci-fi comedy for a change.

Grabbers (2012), Jon Wright


Grabbers is a British-Irish action comedy sci-fi thriller that seemingly follows the footsteps of Edgar Wright’s Cornetto trilogy offering a save-yourself-from-creatures situation simultaneously equipped with loads of English humor as a topping. The story takes place on a remote island when a meteor crash-lands in the nearby waters that seems to have brought an Extra-terrestrial guest. The death of local fishermen and the mutilated corpses of Whales confirms that something indeed has set its foot on land. How a self-destructive and alcoholic policeman with his new workaholic partner along with the help of local townspeople bring the monster down forms the rest of the story. This is surely an entertaining film right from the beginning. You see the killings happening but at the same time you can’t hold yourself from laughing at it anyway. Funny, really! The story is formulaic but definitely stays fresh on its own. Because they don’t keep on talking about the science and make the script too intelligent for itself. Common sense, intuition and presence of mind come as the rescuers for the characters which is a brilliant thing to incorporate into the story.  Another big bonus is the engaging score for the film from Christian Henson. The jump scares and the horror elements really did payoff and it’s certain to not disappoint you. Fecking good CGI and the answer is always in the Beer!


Robot Overlords (2014), Jon Wright

Robot overlords

Christian Henson is the primary reason that I picked another film from the same director-composer duo. Robot Overlords takes place in the near future where Robots have taken over the Earth and held humans under curfew for reasons that are beyond Human comprehension. But there comes a set of teenagers who finds a way to break free of the clutches and goes on an extraordinary journey to stop the Robot supremacy furthermore. “Earth to be. Unsullied by overpopulation and pollution. Brave New World.”- comes from the villainy mouth of Robin Smythe played by Ben Kingsley, who monitors the humans through electronically controlled implants, is strong enough for this little-more-than-a-teenage sci-fi film. Although you feel that film’s plot is a bit shallow not being able to build character depth, the film’s bgm, VFX of the Spaceships and Sentinel-Robots-filled-Britain act as saviors. Supporting characters by Gillian Anderson, Geraldine James and Steven Macintosh serve as a strong backbone. Emotionally strong and authentic, this film is Love, Death and Robots. Literally.

Diminuendo (2018), Adrian Stewart


The story takes place in 2025 where  an emotionally scarred director- Haskell Edwards played by legendary Richard Hatch (Captain Apollo, Battlestar Gallactica), still mourning his girlfriend- Cello Shea’s death a decade ago, comes to a shock when a future tech company hires him to direct Cello’s biography using her Life-doll also to market their product. Unable to process the striking resemblance of the technologically reanimated ghost from his past, he agrees to make the film anyway incorporating her actual life situations with him. At some point in the story, he becomes an unreliable narrator as we see him getting lost unable to distinguish his actual memories from the scripted scenes as they lack clarity often confusing the viewer. This, I think, could be compared with Philip Seymour Hoffman’s Synechdoche, New York character. Person losing his touch with reality while coping with loss, isolation and seeking redemption. The film is a tribute to himself from the late actor (diagnosed with pancreatic cancer about which the crew were unaware about at the time of production) who has put his blood and sweat in making this work which can be seen on-screen as well. This can also be seen as a reflection in the deteriorating condition of the character he was playing that speaks about the actor’s commitment to make a really compelling film. It is a tough story that remains uncompromising in nature while handling some provocative ideas with aplomb. It will continue to fare as yet another potentially creepy concept into an odd, touching adventure from the iconic collaboration of Richard Hatch and Walter Koenig (who has Star Trek: The Original Series, Moontrap, Inalienable to his account).

An Oath Under the Orion

“If apocalypse has a heart and Australia is its place,

The downtrodden hour commenced a fable of power hungry that control the lives and their pace,

Turn the page and find another face

You will come across a bird that realized the strength of her wings where none, against her, could possibly race,

Trot ahead and enter the chapter of Brazilian base

There awaits a community to fight the evil forces from outer space

Stride ahead and enter the world of totalitarian interface

The odds against which souls interact face to face in a compelling way that nothing can replace

And then you shall enter the final world of a lonely sinner with memories he can’t erase

Whose stroll among the streets filled with revenge and retribution, invite demons from the past that chase

For he yearns to leave the homeland along with his woman and to, a new life, embrace”

Here are the next list of underrated films that I think deserve more recognition.

Blood of heroes (1989), David Webb Peoples

Blood of heroes

Directed by one of the exemplary writing minds behind Blade Runner, Terry Gilliam’s 12 Monkeys and other sci-fi blockbusters, Blood Of Heroes is a dystopian sci-fi sports film that tells the story of a fictional sport called Jugger. With violent methods as a strict inclusion, the sport is played by two teams each consisting of 5,  4 of which would be strapped with weapons (the leftover machine parts from earlier civilization) and covered with rubber. The goal of the game is to place the skull of a dead dog on opposition team’s post. This job would be carried out by respective team’s unarmed Qwik who has to make their way through metal chain whirrers and fatal weapon carriers. The Game is timed by throwing stones against a metal sheet that is hung  What’s more striking is the players wear scars from their earlier games with such intensity that it speaks volumes of the fate of humans in this dystopian future where Jugging is the only way to upskill your career and improve the odds of bare survival. This depiction became so popular that they actually invented a sport in German lands based on the film. The important thing that needs to be punctuated about is the gripping tense music from Todd Bokelheide which constantly communicates with the viewer that they’re about to witness the serious tone of the situation in the form of African lands ritual-like drums. Folllowing the aesthetic footsteps of Mad Max, the Juggers look like they are the silhouetted warriors painted on visually arresting Australian scenic backdrop. Now, to the fans of Rutger Hauer, Joan Chen and Vincent D’Onofrio, this films stands as a perfect example for how actors such as these would bear the responsibility to keep the viewers engaged just by their screen presence. All in all, While Rollerball (1975) is evolutionary, Jugger sport comes out as its exact opposite which depicts cavemen-like attitude. Hence I would like to coin a new term for dystopian films such as these to belong to Rust Fiction genre.

Thelma (2017), Joachim Trier


This is one of those few sci-fi films where the desolation felt by the character is in the foreground rather than the mystic element that usually excites the viewer. While drawing similarities to films like Carrie is understandable, this Norwegian supernatural thriller , which is mostly different, is about a young girl brought up in an orthodox Christian family who realizes that she can cause some phenomenon around her when she feels a strong bond for a girl she recently meets in what happens to be her first Lesbian encounter. When consulting a doctor about her increasingly regular seizures, it is revealed that she has a much darker past right from childhood which she has been curtained away from by her over-protective, questionable Parents. Why, what and how forms the rest of the story. As we boat over the watching course of the movie, the narrative current becomes mindfully stronger for the questions she starts to ask become increasingly basic. It looks as though God doesn’t want her to realize what she is capable of doing with the strength she has for they bear the hints of fatality to dearly near. Yet she channels her desire to be liberated once and for all, from all the lies that she has been told, the restrictions that she has been put to and the toxic religiosity that has always been implanted. This is where the film hits the success note for the entry into the genre with engaging thrills and meaningful depth in the story. What a movie!

Mute Date (2019), Cody Clarke


Do you wanna go on a Telepathic date with a person? Would you also simultaneously like to be a test subject for the medical technology that is responsible for it? Mute Date is the film that deals with this exceptionally unique story-line. The story takes place somewhere in the near future where a corporate company invents the aforementioned technology that chooses a pair of Man and Woman as their test subjects. Each of them is given instructions such as the timing to take the pill before meeting their partner for the day, the verbal and physical boundaries within which they have to interact and for how long. The exciting humor comes when they each keep receiving alerts in their heads from the AI based voice-tech support that warns them of Profanity use in language, getting muted (or possibly physically??) for specific duration of time as a punishment against said rules while telepathic advertisements start playing in your head just to mention a few. While the dialogue seems overtly repetitive or sometimes boring, the concept triggers the possibilities in your head without even you noticing it and provides an unnoticed and unexpected entertainment. Your mind would offer more to the scripted sentences.  The mediocre acting is totally overlooked because of the fact that you’re immersed into the film’s implementation of the core idea. This one hails as a brave low-budget indie sci-fi drama film that declares intellectual war for bringing new independent ideas to life.

Bacurau (2019), Kleber Mendonça Filho


As per the film, there exists an isolated town called Bacurau. A woman enters her poverty-rich village to mourn her Naanamma’s death. Soon, people gather around to pay their last respects. She recalls that it is the second death she has encountered since she entered the place. The woman’s father, who is seemingly the educated voice for the village, announces Viva Carmelita in the honor of the grandma’s death. Later in the story he realizes that Bacurau goes missing from Google Maps while trying to teach children at the only school. Then a worker from the village gets followed by a life-sized UFO who seems to keep track of his supplies (?). It would come as a wonder as the film progresses that there is no one particular central character yet the story centers on each individual that would appear as the lead. The fascinating element is undeniable tribute to Western action film genre – the wide-angle lens, coffins on deserted lands, Prostitution, mystic song of the rustling leaves, romancing people with criminal backgrounds and the horses. What you will soon realize is that it is actually a psychedelic Western. Wait a second! Then what in the name of Devil is a flying saucer doing there? The people of the village suddenly start succumbing to outside evil forces and die, including women and children. Out of nowhere it becomes an epic tale of John Carpenter-inspired gore-horror and survival when the members of the village come together to fight these aliens (?). Although the science fiction element is not just because it shows that the story takes place in the near- future nor in the showcase of high-tech but it lies in the depiction of Neo-realism aimed at Socio-political horrors towards the backward many by the rich few. I will say no more than this.

After We Leave (2019), Aleem Hossain


After we leave is an ambitious sci-fi that tells the story of a man who comes back to the unnamed city in search of his wife for Extraplanetory Migration (since Earth has become vulnerable) after abandoning her 6 years ago. Why did he leave? What made him come back? What demons he has to face from the past? What lengths would he be willing to go to in search of his woman? Who exactly he has to face? Is she alive? If so, Married? The director’s achievement becomes clear when we notice that the pain experienced by our lead character becomes the foreground while the sci-fi setting always floats like a stoic, tranquil waterfall background from a distance. The films hails as an engrossing narrative because the director makes sure that no matter how big and depressingly new the future is where the downfall of the country’s Economy and climate change fuel humanity’s need to find colonies outside Earth, the problems like search for Love, Coping with loss of loved ones, anger out of confusion, not knowing where to go, Moral dilemma in distinguishing what is right from wrong shall always remain with us like an unwanted ghost in our shadow. After We Leave is a crime-drama in a sci-fi setup which has surely made the director’s vision come out as a touching philosophical tale.

Happy if you made it this far!! See you next week! Whenever it will be! Godspeed!

Science Fiction, A Mind’s Echo


“Feeling a pull of string from the past

Where History spoke of every intellectual’s reasons harassed

Drums of evil and ignorance marched the land so vast

While advanced thoughts grew in the revolutionary minds that outlast

Salutations, dear Thinkers, for you have recognized – Intelligence is Waltzing in the course of time with the knowledge that amassed

Respect for those who were once part of darkness while inventing the light

The fruits of which we bear today- in brightness, honor & hooray- at last!”


In succession to my previous article, I intend to bring forth the notion that it is never too late to dream big and think differently while I simultaneously use science fiction films as platform to start with for people who are in a hurry. Banking on the generosity of interested readers, it is also an effort to re-introduce them to less popular sci-fi classics that have a lot to offer from their artistic sleeves amidst the genre tropes. Consulting my moral compass, I have short-listed another set of 5 films that understood its genre and have attained significance.


 #1. The Wild Blue Yonder (2005), Werner Herzog


“Chaos is not a negative thing. It allows us to conserve energy in many ways. Because that’s what creates these free inexpensive intergalactic tunnel transport”

The Wild Blue Yonder is an offbeat science fiction story narrated from the viewpoint of an Alien in human form about humanity’s quest for colony establishment outside Earth. Told in fictionalized documentary format, the story heavily makes use of already existing deep sea exploration, STS-34 space footage & archives of math lectures as the backdrop. What completes the equation is the jazz background music of Dutch Cellist, Ernst Reijseger, as most of the story is told in moving images. If you have enjoyed the documentaries of Ron Fricke’s Baraka (followed by Chronos & Samsara) or Godfrey Reggio’s Qatsi films, you are in for a treat.


#2. Alterscape (2018), Serge Levin


Winner of 2018 “Philip K. Dick Best Feature Award” at the 2018 New York Philip K. Dick Science Fiction Film Festival, Alterscape struck to me as Cronenbergian Altered States (1980). Every frame hits the 80’s nostalgic nerve often transporting you back to the first class sci-fi stories with practical effects. The story deals with a war veteran coping with PTSD who volunteers for experiments dealing with fictional Affective Science. Controlled Affective Plating units that detect the Emitting behavioral hormones that could help fine-tune human emotions is a charming science fiction prop. It is a tribute to the optimistic scientific temperament in the field of Neuroscience and an achievement for the film aesthetics. The writing of the film is an indelible mark of a convincing connoisseur. Strong performances from actors like Michael Ironside (Top Gun, Starship Troopers, Total Recall) and Charles Baker (Skinny Pete from Breaking Bad) clubbed with the retro soundtrack consisting of Holding Hands (from Medsound feat. Indsa), Wild Sun(Beach Heart) and Let it Flow(from Motibo feat. Ungaduma) are what makes the film a worthy watch. And yes I had to Shazam!


#3. Excursion (2018), Martin Grof


How does breaking time protect socialism when everybody is a capitalist swine? This remains as the base plot of this engaging time-travel science fiction thriller. A Communist by name Tomas from 1987 is sent to the current…uhm future.. ah his future.. our past.. Jesus Christ on a motorcycle! 21st Century London (let us stick to that, haha). With his agenda- “To defend our country and socialism”- he arrives in the city to check how Socialist Government has prospered. What he finds out is when the story takes an interesting turn. The story is fresh and original while it often stumbles upon could-be-better dialogue and mediocre acting, to speak in modest. Nevertheless- the editing of the film, single-stage setting, absence of ground-breaking visual effects for time-travel or its equipment like one would expect in any thriller are the saviors for this 2019 hidden gem.


#4. Kafka (1991), Steven Soderbergh


Directed after his critically acclaimed Sex, Lies and Videotapes(1989), Kafka is a science fiction concealed as an Absurd yet subtly Gothic mystery thriller film. Walt Lloyd’s cinematography, Lem Dobbs writing and Soderbergh’s direction are undoubtedly a tribute to the 50’s thrillers of that of Billy Wilder and Orson Welles. While the film offers black and white narration until the colorful sci-fi climax, it is more of an emulated Kafkian experience with German expressionism hidden in its story collar. This film is what it would look like if Terry Gilliam and Hitchcock had made Jean-Luc Godard’s Alphaville(1965). The 1919 Prague story centers on a young Kafka (Jeremy Irons) working as an insurance clerk whose life gets involved with an Anarchist Revolutionary group fighting a secret organization that controls the city when his colleague gets murdered in mysterious circumstances.  The characters who played twins is to me a reminiscent of Hergé’s fun Thomson and Thompson but with a dark side. What appealed to me most is the conscience in the dialogue that is an entity in itself when Kafka’s employer calls him a Lone Wolf, who keeps too much to himself, is resonated at a later stage as a thematic echo when Ian Holm’s character asserts, “A crowd is easier to control than an individual. A crowd has a common purpose. The purpose of the individual is always in question.” So, yes, Soderbergh has one more compelling sci-fi film to his credit if you think Solaris(2002) is his sole. It’s a possibility that he is gonna release a new edit of the film which he calls more hardcore.


#5. Wizards (1977), Ralph Bakshi


The animation legend Ralph Bakshi brought us for the first time on-screen the much admired Lord of the Rings(1978) and also remained as the mind behind the X rated animation films like Fritz the Cat (1972), Coonskin(1975), American Pop (1981), Fire and Ice (1983) which were highly controversial at the time. Wizards (1977) is an adult animation post-apocalyptic science fantasy film concealed in an 80’s Saturday morning cartoon like characters. Originally aimed at children, the film is packed with heavy topics of War, Religion, Abortion, Science and technology with sexual undertones which remained questionable till date. However, despite the backlash, he rooted himself in his animation convoy with confidence and truth in every sketch.

Wizards tells the story of our Earth that suffered a massive nuclear stroke and humans that survived along with other few that transformed to mutants who would remain to scavenge in the radioactive remains. The disaster also brings back humanity’s ‘true ancestors’ that would become part of the peaceful coexistence for the millennia to come in bright lands. The rest of the story revolves around the twin wizards that were born with Good-Evil extremes and the rivalry that ensues. The film has seemingly-unfinished traditional animation and rotoscoping with virtually awestruck impressionist backgrounds. It is a social commentary aimed at Dictatorial Governments and exposing the dangers of science and technology in their hands. The disco funk bass guitar during war scenes sends the viewer to an artistic arena juggling with multiple emotions. This is a mind-game at play questioning our acceptance of normalized violence in everyday life. All in all this film is a message that counters the existing nuances that are a threat to independent thought and freedom of expression. In one of the scenes, a conversation between a Mother Fairy and her kid delivers that which is a thin line between sentiment and rationality-

”There’s been a war and this land is lost”

“Why can’t we fight and win, Mommy?”

“Because they have weapons and technology. We just have love.”

So, once again, I hope that I have interested you with science fiction films you may have never seen before that hold more understanding of human condition, social issues and the film-making technicalities that has the fire to inspire any mind looking for things that matter and make difference. See you next week. Godspeed!



Science it. Cherish it.

“Catalogue of common things painted in dull

On the canvas of past

That equals progress to null

‘Tis the time of thought, independent and contemporary, that pierces any lacklustre skull

Awaken the word waiting to be born into this world full of whirl


Thy vessel of ideas ain’t for an average wage

For the neuron can also trigger a reason bigger than you with an impeccable rage

Discarding the dogmas fermented in Dark Age

Brew the cocktail that marries the mind with ever evolving word at every stage”


Every now and then when films are just confined to mere entertainment, topics that only grab the attention of minds that look no further than plain viewing, there must be a reminder, a medium or a movement that necessarily restores critical thinking as an asset for advancement. This simply doesn’t mean that a person remain informed about popular news alone that circulates in the social media platforms. One must identify the importance to have independent thinking.  The need to reform and validate one’s own thought process in order to discover the world requires a risk-taking mind-set to let go off the view of shore to sail into the unknown.

While the above words seem so common and diluted in time, we are in a phase at which they still hold value because a bright few enhanced the flair with their unmatched talents. Artists turning into filmmakers making use of science-fiction as a medium to bridge the gap between common audience and ideas that require a focused mind furthers the world view. Time and again it has been proven to become a constant intellectual staple for minds looking for inspiration to tell their version of the stories better. The following underrated sci-fi films, people and their works according to me in the recent times need more light for they are popular only in smaller circles.

#1 Renaissance (2006), Christian Volckman


Adapted from a story by Alexandre de la Patellière and Mathieu Delaporte, this is the first of the French animated films that I’ll be talking about which blended performance capture in a CGI backdrop and later presented as an animated film on a whole. While the story line – a Cop trying to find out about corporate misdoings whose goal is to offer a perfect lifestyle replacing the imperfectness in mortal beings as showcased in films like Blade runner – is obvious, this film does offer its uniqueness in the noir format. This is definitely for fans who enjoys graphic novels and works like Sin City, Road to perdition with a science fiction setting. Told in completely black and white imagery, the futuristic architectures are a delight to lookout for while you wonder about the technical achievements as seen in the scenes involving reflections, chase sequences and the rooftop fight choreography, only to quote a few, that speaks of the filmmaker’s mind translating into extreme attention to detailing.



#2. Immortel, ad vitam (2004), Enki Bilal


This is the second French film in the list I’m going to talk about that incorporated live actors and animated backgrounds but in a full-fledged digital backlot. Other popular films at the time include Skycaptain and the World of Tomorrow.

What was I saying earlier? Attention to detailing, right? Enki Bilal daaniki amma mogudu! (Meaning to say that he’s even more fascinating artist than you could imagine) Ever heard about a Yugoslavin born French artist through his ground-breaking, pioneering work in canvas paintings and digital art whose works predicted the WTC 9/11 attacks, the breakup of the Soviet Union and the fall of Berlin Wall? That’s Enki Bilal for you. By the time I grew up to the person I am today invested in seeking art and artists, many people already honored him in their unparalleled appreciation using the tools at their disposal and words that came out of many journalist hands. If you are an admirer of the process of how observations about real world coalesce into science fiction that subsequently weaves a plausible future that we would love to be part of, Enki Bilal’s works are a go for you. Ever wonder how a painting on a canvas sings its poem in painted colors? That’s Enki Bilal for you. His works include the infamous graphic novel tetralogy- Le Sommeil du monster (The Dormant Beast), which would leave the readers think how an aborted child of Dune &The Fifth Element would look like. Therefore I would like to say as much less as possible about the film and its maker because he’s truly a gem that you would love to research about. Go, now.


#3. Love (2011), William Eubank.


Now, another film I would love to give away as suggestion is Love. It’s a sci-fi film with International Space Station setting originally built in the backyard of a home. Say, Whaaaaat?! The reason why you should watch this film is purely for the director’s spirit and enthusiasm towards using science-fiction background as a means to convey universally accepted personal feelings that each of us encompass as a human. Its minimalist budget speaks volumes on how an incredible storytelling in the form of a feature film can be achieved in creatively simpler ways. The film is about an astronaut stranded on ISS in the near-future (2039) waiting to be rescued while he reflects on the human condition, the yearning to connect with other beings. How it reveals the connection between an 1864 Journal (found on the space station) of a Captain Lee Briggs that was sent on a mission to search for a mysterious alien object and the astronaut’s fate of making it back home forms the rest of the story. The film is undoubtedly a tribute to 2001 and Solaris while simultaneously drawing inspiration from Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot. The director of the film, William Eubank’s third science fiction feature Underwater starring Kristen Stewart is now in theatres.

Honorable mention: Cosmos-2019, which underwent 5 years of production with minimal crew and unimaginably less budget. The film deals with 3 astronauts in the early hours of the incident who happened to have intercepted a message from what seems to be a confirmed first-ever alien contact.


#4.Mnemophrenia (2019), Eirini Konstantinidou


Recently, while reading about an article that spoke of farmers installing VR goggles on their Cows that would cause them to give milk, I thought that the news was bit funny although never dismissing the implications. And it happened so that I stumbled upon this thought provoking film that takes the step further which talks about a future medical condition called Mnemophrenia that could arise due to prolonged/unattended use of advanced VR tech. While I’m not aware if it were already told in Black Mirror or The Twilight Zone episodes as such, this film is yet another perfect example for how low-budget indie science-fiction movies become a trendsetter of experimental filmmaking for budding artists. I sincerely request the reader to dig in more about the making of the film and how it was written. Imagine how it would be if you were to realize that the partner you have been with for many years turns out to be just a projection in VR world that you befriended when you entered the virtual environment. And your brain has started to accept those memories for real and choose not to believe otherwise. This forms one segment of the three inter-connected stories. Further the film explores how the individual effects vary- with some attending Mnemophrenic support groups battling the addiction to eventual acceptance and utilizing it for “mankind’s benefit” per se. What you will appreciate about the film is the intertwined narrative. It has invested the effort in meaningful conversations that is story based never steering away from the base plot. It certainly does require attention to dialogues for the story to make sense while keeping the viewer efficaciously hooked to the science fiction backdrop.


#5 Chimera Strain (2019), Maurice Haeems


Caution: Mild spoilers ahead.

Chimera Strain is not just a cheeky mumbo jumbo sci-fi film but a deeply intimate film at its core. Deep in the subject, faithful (or probably even more) to the genre, clarity in the content and intriguing dialogue form the ingredients for this hard sci-fi thriller recipe. At every stage it demands the viewer to think beyond the normal often perking up the bright corner of the brain and the reward is in its realization. The story follows a mad scientist, Quint, trying to save his children suffering from a rare genetic disease and wife Jessie by attempting to transdifferentiate Ambrosthrombonin found in Turritopsis Jellyfish. We need to visit the basics of cryptobiosis, stem cell research, genetic hybridisation and Xeno Transplantation to understand what’s going on in the film.

With dialogues such as –

Jessie: “If God intended us to be immortal, we would have more durable bodies.”

Quint: “If God intended us to be mortal, we would have less curious minds.”

– this one’s certainly a winner in the list.

I hope I have interested you in the films that you might have never seen before. Leave a comment for suggestions, ideas or opinions if any. I shall soon post part 2 of this list. Happy exploring! Peace!








Note: This article is written keeping in mind that the reader has at least some basic understanding in the field of Biology, science at Cellular level in specific. It’s a friendly reminder to brush up those basics that you visited as a kid in school days. It’s totally alright even if you don’t know. Wishing you a good read ahead.

If I were given a choice to travel back in time, I would definitely go back to the ages where people first realized the importance and started to make use of critical thinking. They had time to think. Above them was the depth of the sky. Around them was the silence of the wilderness. They had time to think. No, they made time to think.

WhatsApp Image 2018-05-27 at 16.24.13

image art by Sharath Chandra

That is the kind of spirit that helped us evolve to the beings that we have become today. To always put in efforts to think, decide, experiment, fail, figure out different ways to implement ideas that would contribute to solving a problem at hand and make our lives easier to live than before. True that necessity is always the mother of invention. Now, a primitive man couldn’t fathom the application of wheels that we have today back when he first invented such tools to attend to his needs. Such is the power of implementing ideas that would seem like a new-born and useless baby at first. But imagine the possibilities of what it can become if you could nurture the baby with proper health, nutrition and care. We have to honestly admit that we wouldn’t know what the exact outcome is unless we try, isn’t it? That’s how any scientific idea also works.

Let’s go ahead now with the reading while we continue to keep in mind that a scientist’s work is never finished.

KWK public talks at Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium in Bangalore are one of the ways ICTS keeps its outreach activities alive. Their primary intention is to instill in the general public the idea of understanding scientific matters around the world which may seem complex at first but are actually worth learning about. To reach out to as many people as possible irrespective of age and expertise. Because it is utterly fascinating to do science and communicate the same to further the general public’s understanding of the surroundings inside out. It’s like being in love and you want to scream on top of the voice to let the whole world know about it. Understand the joy of learning and to pass on the knowledge.

A wise man, pioneer of science communication, once said that an Intellectual is the one who has a remarkable ability to put together various facts of life among several disciplines and come up with new findings that would fill-in the gaps of understanding something that which was previously unknown.


RoopIn picture: Dr. Shailaja, former director of the Planetarium, presenting a memento to Prof. Mallik

Cell Biologist at TIFR, Prof. Roop Mallik, with a PhD in Condensed Matter Physics, stands out as an epitome of the definition for one such intellectual. He has combined his knowledge in his respective fields of study (Physics and MechanoBiology) which earned him Infosys Prize 2018 under the category of Life Sciences for his pioneering work on molecular motor proteins. It was at the KWK talk on 18th November 2018 that ICTS decided to honor Prof. Mallik by giving him a public stage where he highlighted his research with a wonderful presentation.

Emphasizing the need to understand life at Molecular and Cellular level, he went on to explain his work which started with citation of examples ranging from propellers of ship to molecular Nano machines which form the crux of his research. The main objective being – learning how motor proteins function at a cellular level and how their motion can be regulated; once regulated, how can we load drugs on to these molecules and target them to a specific pathogen that poses a threat to existence of a cell.

While the above lines seem simple, let us dive into what these motor proteins are and specifically some class of motors- Kinesin and Dynein, which form the main part of our discussion.

Motor proteins are the ones that act as the carrier systems for cargoes (such as intracellular material). These proteins’ vital role is in cell division allowing a successful distribution of cellular material between the divided cells.

kinesinKinesin is a microtubule-linked motor protein whose structure has Head, neck, tail (Alpha helical coil) and light chains. It has two identical motor heads which carry the cargo and short-neck linkers that are gripped one after another in movement at binding sites that are along the walking path. These sites are the alternatively arranged α, β-tubulin dimers on a network of tubes that forms the walking highways for the motor proteins. This highway is structurally termed as Microtubule. This network of tubes are connected by linking proteins called as Nexins which contribute to the bending ability/flexibility of the entire microtubule without which the tubes slide over one another.

In order to move, each foot (neck linkers) takes the help of ATP molecule, Adenosine Tri-Phosphate, floating around inside the cell, the hydrolysis of which to ADP contributes to the motility of kinesins. This action is called Stepping which is a force-generating step and is always directed towards the polymerising end of the tubule filament.


imgSrc- https://www.pnas.org/content/pnas/106/31/12717.full.pdf

While another motor protein by name Dynein tries to move the cargo in direction and motion opposite to that of Kinesin’s i.e. towards the depolymerising end. This results in a tug-of-war/linear push-pull actions between Kinesin and Dynein which results in wave-like movement of the cell on a whole.

The fundamental part of the experiment included the arrangement of a glass slide in which plastic beads are introduced into a solution containing a long chain of polymers, ATP and then motor proteins are added later. Now, imagine an object tied to a spring pivoted at a wall. We want to study the motion of the object away from the wall when it just starts to experience the pulling force by the spring. The experimental setup of the Professor’s is as such.


The setup introduces some laser beam that passes through the beads and when this beam is focused, a Light Gradient was recorded which creates something called as Optical Trap (spring) that acts opposite to the motion of the motor protein (object). This study is crucial to focus our understanding on how pathogens try to fool the motor proteins preventing themselves from leaving the cell body. The Professor however humbly admits how they haven’t understood most of the reasons behind such behaviours and their current work aims at deciphering them. His kind attitude towards learning and scientific spirit to encourage people on public platforms is highly commendable.

Amazing complexity, isn’t it? Fret not. The only intention is to convey that with regular guidance, exposure to the topic and willingness to learn we will definitely fill the gaps of our understanding.

This is no joke when I say, “When in doubt, talk to children” They are wonderful and most curious beings. While I speak for myself where I intend to shape the individual, me-whether or not it must become a duty to bear the so-called responsibility to shape the social fabrication called ‘society’, that I leave it to rest of the readers. This is to purely convey that I’m not here to begin a social cause of educating but to represent “what is” and the future that is likely to be in that field of study. I got few things to point out. Did you ever come across a child who would go on to ask, “Why the sky is blue?” and the answer in your head was not a blank white space? Was your answer ever, “It’s because of quantum effects of Rayleigh Scattering with a lack of violet photon receptors in our retinae”? This is to just ask ourselves whether WE are equipped with factual knowledge of the world in the first place. May be you didn’t know? But, now you do.

The question you need to ask is whether you have learnt something today that which you didn’t know yesterday. And how much you have worked on it. Because to learn is to influence. This helps shape one’s own trajectory to build a meaningful life.

We all have our brief moment in time, the window through which we get to see the universe. So, be happy to be alive that you have the opportunity to rejoice, discover, understand, explore and be fascinated by the Universe around you. Stay curious!

Being and Beyond


Please note that this is an excerpt from a book review session that I was part of in my Office few months ago where I chose Robert Sapolsky’s “Behave: The Biology of Humans at our Best and Worst” to talk about. I prepared the transcript with a good cocktail of my experiences with personal counselling to my friends while discussing why humans live, for considerable amount of time in their lives, in this state of Cognitive Dissonance, personal philosophy and blended it with Sapolsky’s verbatim where I relied (if not entirely)on not to draw parallels but used it as an aid to convey the message that we are capable enough to change our lives. So the way I expressed my views were from the time s long ago when I first shared it among my friends. Kindly also note that I wouldn’t shun away from adapting to better reasonings one may suggest with good explanation and help me articulate better. So, here it goes.

“According to me, we beings feel the need to be noticed or listened to when it comes to our fears or insecurities. And we seek answers or explanations in one way or the other. No matter how brave we stay on the outside, there is always this space inside our mind where you can imagine ( considering it a thought experiment) yourself sitting in the corner of a room crying and feeling detached and lonely, waiting to be heard or just like , consider this, imagine a country where war is taking place. And we often see how soldiers rescue ordinary citizens (now, imagine a child being rescued) trapped in a building surrounded by bombings or blasts or explosions.

When it comes to our own mind, we’re experiencing neural turbulence at its best with all sorts of neurons triggering in the regions of brain where fears (explosion or bombings) stem from. Except in this case, there’s no soldier (inside or outside agent) to come to our rescue to save us from ourselves. And it’s being hard for us to accept that we’re denied the help. And that is why I think it leads to psychological worrying and angst and “fear/anxiety”.

Our life in many a cases a Mystery- full of unknown things, instances, unexplainable problems and situations. As humans evolved, there’s an evolutionary need genetically written within us to “share” our thoughts, emotions and feelings by seeking “company”. And without “company” we feel as if we’re devastated to live otherwise. So, my views to answer your question “why resentment overshadows love?” – it probably stems from our nature of consolation we give ourselves as a form of explanation that makes sense only to us  so that we get a chance to reconcile with our decisions that we have taken however reasonable/sensible/good or not. It’s a subjective expression- the feelings of love, goodness, being moral and their counterparts.


Who’s to say that the amount of an emotion we feel is more or less than that experienced by another person? We never know for sure. There’s no absolute answer so far. And also the problem stems from ‘comparison’. You experience an emotion or set an image in your mind about an emotion. What happens is you either try (with greatest of the efforts possible or die trying) to experience the same psychological feeling (for example: happiness or love in the presence of an attractive and romantically involved partner) again and again or feeling the “lack” when you seek similar experience with the same or different person (now, you notice that this time the emotion you feel is not stronger as before for which you may or may not have any explanation). Am I wrong? Please correct me if that’s the case.

Consider another attempt to explain to a friend of mine what’s happening and what’s troubling me from the inside my mind. It goes-

My primal fear is that when I try to experience life through people I’m getting so tired, frustrated and jealous that they’re leading a life with set preconceptions that offer psychological happiness even though those are completely non-sensible. People seem to be okay with it. Now, I am moving away from people. Get back to books about human conditioning which talks about the same “failure” of us humans and how we are all struggling in our own way. I don’t seem to find any answer whatsoever to end this suffering from neither of the sources. Yet, books ask us to search the meaning among the humans and humans teach us to look for answers in the books.

Now that we spoke so much about what’s happening, let’s take biological leap into understanding what makes us us.

Brief Touring of Brain and Neuronal Function

  • Human Brain is made up of 100 billion nerve cells or neurons
  • The point of contact, Synapse, is where the information gets shared between neurons. Each Synapse can be excitatory or inhibitory
  • Neurons are connected through ‘networks’-‘structures’

¤ Each structure is connected to other structure forming circuits

¤ These circuits pass information back and forth in repeating loops and allow brain structures to work together to create thoughts, perception & behavior.


Brain constitutes of-

*Brain Stem – this includes medulla, pons and midbrain which are responsible for Breathing, Blood Pressure and Regulation of body temperature.

*Cerebellum – this is the region which gets CC ed (as in a mail) while the messages from Motor Cortex get carried to Muscles forming a Servo-Control Loop.

*Cerebral Cortex – For better understanding, each of this part is studied under various regions called as Lobes of Brain and their corresponding functions as below.

Temporal Lobe           => Recognizing faces, emotions (through Amygdala)

Occipital Lobe             => Visual information

Parietal Lobe              => Body image (right PL);

Arithmetic, Abstraction and Metaphors (left PL)

Pre-frontal Cortex        => Cognitive seat of humanity

Click here to watch how a neuron functions and understand the stages of Synapse -Depolarization, Repolarization, Hyperpolarization and Resting Potential.

Now, let’s talk about the very book under discussion.

Here in this part, we shall discuss

  • Meaning of Behaviour
  • Understanding the biology of context of a behaviour

Violence – Humans tend to enjoy violence in almost all forms (Think about the IMAX ticket price you were willing to pay to watch Mad Max: Fury Road). In fact humans are the only known species so far to have taken violence to another level which no other species on Earth would even think of reaching. But let’s just give it a break. Wait! Actually we don’t like violence, do we? Otherwise why do we have awards such as Nobel Peace Prize?! Oh, that is not even true either.

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What we hate the most is the wrong kind of violence. I’ll let you people absorb that thought in its fullest sense. So, how are we going to understand it, by studying Neurobiology of violence? By learning about Neurobiology of Fear. So, in order to decipher why particular behavior occurred, let us study about another region in Brain called as Insular Cortex which gets activated

  1. When we think about or taste bad food
  2. Any painful event that occurred to another being

This is where you can track Pain (signal travels from Insula to Anterior Cingulate). Insular Cortex communicates with Amygdala which is the seat of Aggression, Violence, Fear and Anxiety. What you need to understand is that Fear is an emotion, a primary instinct that exists for a short period of time compared to being Afraid, a feeling which is an extension of state of fear.

Recall the Frontal Cortex (FC) from earlier paragraphs. It is the recently evolved part of human Brain.

So, when you’re excited by an emotions such as fear or act out of fear, what FC does is send out inhibitory projections to amygdala asking whether amygdala’s reactions are considerable or not. What is happening is that FC is too much involved in conversation with emotional baggage of amygdala there by making it sluggish. Now, you know why those decisions that you had taken long ago that seemed to have been the most brilliant ideas at the time but turned out to be utterly stupid. And also, you can actually try to tap into FC’s ability to let you lie to some instances if not the most (things like passing value-free judgments).

Now that we have located the biological latitudes and longitudes of the behavior, let’s dive into the timelines of what may have caused such behavior.

Case: Pulling the trigger of a gun at the sight of an uncertain frightful being/event.zero-time-dilemma-art

  • Looking into that second two minutes before in the sensory environment :

Visual Cortex send incorrect information to Amygdala since it is emotionally aroused way before your conscious cortex comes into considerable logical conclusions.

Before we proceed to the other stages, we need to look into the realm of Hormones.

Testosterone – Testosterone levels in each and every person sitting here is the reason for why most of the people reading this think that I’m being such a pain in the arse pointing out our worst behaviours

It doesn’t cause Aggression. What it does is, it causes bias towards interpreting ambiguous social information as being threatening.

It exaggerates pre-existing tendencies, creates dilemma between what kind of aggression is fine and what is not fine. What it primarily does is make you hold on to that high status when its being challenged thereby rewarding your aggression (Probably explains the anger that you carry towards your Superiors at work and the cosmic rays of violence that you cannot let out. Ha-ha!)


Oxytocin: Responsible for Pair Bonding, Co-operation and Trust. It makes you nicer to the people who we carry a tendency to be nice to.

  • Weeks to Months Before: This is the realm of neuroplasticity. If at all you have been stressed for the last few months, your Amygdala would have grown larger making frontal cortex sluggish.
  • Years to Decades Before: Adolescence and early adulthood shapes your frontal cortex with respect to how an individual is exposed to experiences based on environment. Also you should note that FC is not fully mature until you reach around the age of 30. This means that your FC is least shaped by the genes and most by environment.
  • Childhood-fetal Life: Stressful mom => equally stressful child.
  • Fertilized Egg and bunch of genes: Interaction of genes with environment.

For example, particular variant of a gene (monoamine oxidase-a) + abusive childhood equals Anti-social behavior.

  • Ancestors: Where cultures of honor, clan vendettas come from.
  • Evolution of Genes

Last Act

All of our lives, it is no wonder that we do come across many moral dilemmas. Consider the Run-over trolley experiment. Would you let that one person die instead of 4 if you were to pull the lever? What if that person is your close relative, a member of your family? What would be your reaction if that person were to be the ones who you hated all your life?OTM-FSBO-Relist-KCM

What are we trying to achieve? Is it our unending struggle to become an ideal self?

I mean, look at this contrast.

Physics – Metaphysics, Selfish-Selfless, Mortal-Immortal, Anger-Peace. Are we trying to achieve any biological convergence to find a balance in our behavior where all the above mentioned will meet at? What I’m concerned about is Change. We all should be, don’t you think? A consistent commitment to well-being.

I’m sure many of you people have seen many a sunrise from wrong side of the mornings. I can’t be more or less sure. Because I think we should live and die among Humans. Not regrets.

This is well agreeable that we may learn something about everything and we may learn everything about something. But we’re never going to learn everything about everything. May be we are afraid that someone will tell us that we are not special. Because that is what science does? Turning us into a bunch of equations and chemical formulas. And all the magic is gone?

I would say that it is okay. We shall find our significance in the realization of our insignificance. To quote Sam Harris, “You can’t take credit for your talents, it matters that you use them. You can’t blame your weaknesses, but it matters that you correct them”. What we need to focus on is not just studying history, but the history of extraordinary human change and the science of how behaviors can be changed.

To end with, ‘The greatest poetry is revealing the beauty of something so simple you have taken it for granted’– Neil degrasse Tyson

That I think should be the job of my poem written here in word of science.

Stay Curious!”